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About roseywhite01

  • Birthday 10/26/2001

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  1. Maybe we should come up with a name here for him then, I somehow doubt telephoning the hosting admins about such a trivial thing is something to bother them about haha (maybe they will see this and reply though). I suggest we name him Alan in honour of the company's Newcastle roots (if you're not into football I'm referring to Alan Shearer, Newcastle United's all-time top goalscorer) and because its a pretty traditional English name. Though we could also call him Dave or something, but then we'd probably have people calling him Rodney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVYPE7NGbnw
  2. Anything after Vista/7 is just blergh. It only ever really caught on because of Apple retooling it around the time iOS 7 came out.
  3. I'm going to guess that 0lx.net domain is still used in the backend in some way since going to that website goes to ifastnet.com these days. Interesting. I seem to recall the 'subdomains' section of vPanel only let you make subdomains under either the domain you signed up under or the byethost ones like 22web.org/web1337.net/html-5.me and stuff. Somewhat unrelatedly, it seems like there's quite a few MOFH resellers actually owned by iFN themselves that might have been used for demonstrative purposes or just simply exist for whatever reason: 4sql.net, cuccfree.com, kwikphp.com, hyperphp.com, sprinterweb.net, xlphp.net, free-hoster.net being among them... (registrant details state that they belong to iFN themselves, at least. also did the company at some point move from the US to the UK?)
  4. It doesn't have an audio CAPTCHA though, which I find much easier to do with reCAPTCHA. As much as it's Google, it's still the best option end-user wise imo. That said, I'd take a sortable Q&A if it's for say, a forum or something covering a relatively niche topic. board.eclipse.cx has a particularly amusing take on this. (For the record, that site has had exactly one spammer register in the three years it's been online or so. Whoever you were, congrats lol.)
  5. More like if CAPTCHAs actually, y'know, stopped bots. They seem to infuriate legitimate human users more if anything. Also it has become an internal joke with me and a friend to refer to MOFH resellers as 'blyathosts'. Not that we hate the service or anything, it's just funny-sounding.
  6. Site name not resolved? LOL. Those templates are honestly kinda nostalgic, very 2007-2012ish... wish websites were still designed like these... x') Isn't it effectively a skin for cPanel, though? I'd love to see the original designs return though as some kind of more minimalistic option
  7. PHP mail is not fully supported on Free Hosting.
  8. Nice, I might use this at some point in the future. Thanks for the code!
  9. I'd also recommend removing PHP 5.4 from the servers in order to increase security.
  10. Cool, glad you figured out how to fix your issues. Still can't wait to see! x)
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