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Everything posted by William

  1. So there is no way I can make a free newsletter? Is there any other services I can use?
  2. There should be an easy way of making newsletter if it doesnt exist, because I couldnt find anything. Just saying.
  3. I tried the Byet Sitebuilder (https://www.mysitebuilder.org) and when I choose a theme and fill out the forms I get this message: <!-- Quick Stats. Main path, to look for files: /var/www/html/kopage_files/ Short path: /var/www/html Will delete from FROM path: /var/www/html Will delete from TO path: /var/www/html/kopage_files/ --><!-- Temp dir created: "/var/www/html/kopage_temp/projects.gamanware.ga_ec8da1650b353f50aeb3fe14b8d5a663" --><!-- Creating Directories... OK --> <!--zipUploadOK not OK"--> <!--Created folder: data--> <!--Created folder: data/templates--> <!--Created folder: data/templates/kopage3--> <!--Created folder: data/templates/kopage3/images--> <!--Created folder: inc--> <!--Created folder: inc/tiny_mce--> <!--Created folder: inc/tpls--> <!--Created folder: inc/js--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/chosen--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/fontawesome--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/fontawesome/langs--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/fontawesome/css--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/fontselect--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/grid--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/camera--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/fancybox--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/nivo--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/bootstrap--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/bootstrap/fonts--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/galleria--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/players--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/anythingslider--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/adgallery--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/cloudzoom--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/jbox--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/tinymce--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/tour--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/jstree--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/jquery-ui--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/pickadate--> <!--Created folder: inc/js/uploader--> <!--Created folder: inc/modules--> <!--Created folder: admin--> <!--Created folder: editor_images--> <!--Created folder: editor_images/tree--> <!--Created folder: modules--> <!--Created folder: modules/tees--> <!--Created folder: modules/shop--> <!--Created folder: modules/shop/inc--> <!--Created folder: modules/shop/scripts--> <!--Created folder: modules/shop/shop_images--> <!--Created folder: modules/addToGoogle--> <!--Created folder: modules/blog--> <!--Created folder: modules/form--> <!--Created folder: modules/form/images--> <!--Created folder: modules/ihelp--> <!--Created folder: modules/gallery--> <!--Created folder: modules/teditor--> <!--Created folder: modules/map--> <!--Created folder: modules/muut--> <!--Created folder: modules/RestaurantMenu--> <!--Created folder: modules/comment--> <!--Created folder: modules/calendar--> <!--Created folder: modules/calendar/js--> <!--Created folder: modules/include--> <!--Created folder: modules/feed--> <!--Created folder: modules/smartsupp--> <!--Created folder: modules/newsletter--> <!-- Upgrade process = 4 --> <!-- Create zdata file --> <!-- Upgrade process = 5 --> <!-- Standard installation, start uploading process --><!--connection is broken (#3/opt2, ftp_systype)... {trying to copy kopage_files/data/templates/kopage3/images/_config.js to data/templates/kopage3/images/_config.js }-->Connection to host passed. Login failed. <!-->
  4. Thank you mike, just what I was looking for!
  5. How do I edit the php.ini file of my website?
  6. Yes, you were right. The database connection scripts got mixed so the real online db connection were the same as the localhost connection. Thats why the localhost worked, since that had its credentials, and the real one had localhosts. I still doesnt know the cause of the HTTP 500 error
  7. Ok, so I have been messing around with my script, and aint getting the error anymore. Now, the script just stops when looping through the database. And no matter what happens, it should echo out someting else than 'Starting operation' and then exit the file. That never happens! I have attached the script: cpanel.login.php
  8. I have now tried this in edge, since I usually use chrome, and it says: «HTTP 500 Microsoft Edge could not find file» even though I know it is there. Maybe the server is producing the wrong error?
  9. I am sure everything should be working, but I got it to work on localhost, so it might be different on the host server?
  10. The user enters the login information at 'loginpage.html' and sends the information through 'POST' to 'login.php' that checks for the user in the database.
  11. No, I do not have any bugs or errors, have tested it already, working on localhost. And no I do not have a .htaccess file, should I? If I should, can you please send me a link to where I can learn how to make for this, or just make it for me? Thanks for helping!
  12. I have a login page on my website. I am hosting on byet.host. When the login form is submitted to login.php, it returns an HTTP 500 error. Please help!
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