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Hello Friend, I'm facing an error installing the script, I'm installing it via MyOwnFreeHost...


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I'm facing an unknown error while installing my friend

Hello Friend, I'm facing an error installing the script, I'm installing it via MyOwnFreeHost...

- The sql-mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is enabled on your mysql server, contact your host provider to disable it.

This error however I don't know how to solve it.

Below I will leave you a print.

Can you help me?

Script: Einet-Anake-MOFH




Edited by BabiHost
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9 minutes ago, MeTooIDK said:

Strict_Trains_Table está desabilitado em seu MySQL. Você precisa usar outro serviço MySQL. Ou crie outra conta, porque você obterá outro Host MySQL (não mofh)


How can I make this change to my friend? Should I create a separate account on another hosting? InfinityFree...

Edited by BabiHost
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