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Everything posted by hello

  1. @Mahtab HassanMany other people have same problem
  2. @Mahtab HassanNo possible way to fix it?
  3. hello, how do I fix the email SMTP problem. When I press test it sends the tets email but when I reset password or something it doesn't send email Thanks
  4. How do I do that? Because I remember if I replace everything it asks me to set up again then it will wipe out the database.
  5. Will you ever make it public, because the tabler css looks better than than the admin tle but the one you are using on nxts host looks like tabler but it has the side bar and looks so much better than both
  6. Also, how do I update manually cause auto doesnt work Also when you reset the password and enter the email it redirects to the login page and says logged in successfully
  7. Also, the update thing doesn't work, it doesn't actually update it. Some bugs, On the sidebar when you press dropdown then click something the dropdown bar goes up again. When you enter some information and enter something wrong it shows the error then deletes the stuff the user already typed. Happens on the login page and when people create a support ticket.
  8. Also, normal users still get the update thing in the dashboard, I thought only admins get it. A new version of this available. Click here to update.
  9. Could you also please add TOS like xera has
  10. Also, on your NXTS host, is that template made public?
  11. @Mahtab HassanHi, the smtp test for MOFH-R is working but the email templates aren't sending like when a user makes an account.
  12. I never said its bad, Im just saying its possible.
  13. @BastelPichiwow somehow I managed to make a brute force code by myself. I didnt know brute force was a thing.
  14. @Mahtab HassanHere? Well, it takes a long time. It tries all possible combinations and when hash = targethash then I found password. People cant find out the parttern tho if you have changed the stuff
  15. @Mahtab HassanI made a code to decrypt the hash somehow
  16. @Mahtab HassanI think I found out the pattern. I used python to try the code and it came out with the same result. Thanks, also if I want to change 24 times where can I find that
  17. @Mahtab HassanIs this correct? If the password is 'hello' for example. the hash would be $hash = hello:salt I think 'salt' is the default salt am I right? Then the output would be 0b3dddae2edc23b7e9bbcab5a952481894a3b7f749aa1396a32c59b77ca3df53 Then it will do $hash = 0b3dddae2edc23b7e9bbcab5a952481894a3b7f749aa1396a32c59b77ca3df53:salt Then that process would be repeated 24 times. ----------------------- Or is it $hash = sha256hello:salt Thanks
  18. Yes, after I realised that people could make subdomains under my main domain I regretted using it. Because infinityfree uses infinityfree.net as its main domain but for the cpanel they use epizy.com So i tried doing that but with the account prefix that I was going to use was registered with my main domain but the support said that you cant transfer the prefix. So now I might get the main domain removed. Thanks AA22 Dev
  19. @SpookyKipperI am using Cloudflare and I have A record for all by subdomains for my hosting account. Is that what you mean?
  20. @Mahtab HassanBut is the salt 'salt'? defined('HASH_SALT') OR define('HASH_SALT', 'salt'); salt is the salt that is default right? and its added at the front or back am i right? and if i hash a password it comes out as 'somerandomhash' and then it hashes 'somerandomhash' to something else am i right?
  21. I tried encrypting passwordsalt saltpassword salt:password it didnt come out as the same a MOFH-R hashing result
  22. @Mahtab HassanWould it be possible if you make a button to sign into their account but log out of the admin? Because it would be better than nothing. Also is this the salt line? defined('HASH_SALT') OR define('HASH_SALT', 'salt'); And 'salt' is the salt that is added?
  23. @Mahtab HassanCan people hack it and use the cookie to login? And is there no way to login to the users account? Or maybe you could change it to a session? Also what is the salt? Where can I find it in the code if I wanted to change the salt?
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