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  1. Yesterday
  2. edit I try again to register using phone. I still can't. And auto redirected SSL. I assume this problem this with SSL. Because order.* no have SSL and for security browser can't send data to server, so client can't register. but, if access domain without SSL (http://*), still able to register. this error screenshot https://ibb.co.com/album/sdXNND
  3. Eh, I try again now and I can create account. So i dont now about it, I didn't do anything and now it's back to normal again. I look this SSL on domain studenthosting.pp.ua not working, i test now using laptop, previeus at afternoon, i using phone and SSl auto redirect (i can't chose i dont will use SSL). this is screenshot: https://ibb.co.com/K66TXrb
  4. I haven't changed any files in vpanel master / reseller domain hosting place. because previously when I just got a reseller account I tested it by registering a clients account (admin.studenthosting.pp.ua) and until now it can be accessed. For new member registration, no. The error URL starts with order.*/register2.php
  5. Salut, je vais bien 😄... ---trad google--- Hello, I'm fine😄...
  6. Yeah that is a very interesting error. Your file must be called “signup.php” and be located at the document root. If you’re using a MOFH template, don’t modify it.
  7. Download the latest version for GitHub and replace the current files on your website with the new ones.
  8. Wait for the outage to be over like everyone else.
  9. My site is down and I'm unable to open a ticket because it seems support.ifastnet.com is down too. What can I do??
  10. this is link to screenshot (backup): https://ibb.co.com/rQznL9c
  11. I have problem with registration directly using master domain (I domain use for registration reseller account) http://studenthosting.pp.ua Error text: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /register2.php on this server. This is error screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/rFEeR2K
  12. Last week
  13. Please sign up and file a support ticket at https://support.ifastnet.com/
  14. I wasn't really gone, just not as active when it comes to posting. I'm doing pretty good.
  15. Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache Server at csnf.a0001.net Port 443 Don't know what it is.
  16. Chronos, back from the dead, long time no see, how are you doing?
  17. Haven't been as active on here when it comes to posting. How's everyone doing?
  18. Earlier
  19. Your registrar is the company you bought your domain from. If you have a free subdomain, you don’t have a registrar and cannot change your namservers.
  20. I can't find the registrar everyone seems to be talking about, and the tutorias on the vista panels do not explain anything, can someone pls explain how to i find my registrar PLEASE
  21. Cela fait un moment que @Anyx n'est pas venu sur le forum, j'espère qu'il va bien... --- trad google --- It's been a while since @Anyx didn't come to the forum, I hope he's okay...
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