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  2. Hello i'm interested in using this but the website seems to be a default wordpress page and the demo is a 404 error.
  3. Cordial saludos amigos, mi nombre es Holger Edud. Tengo un proyecto que me resultó fallido, el proyecto consiste en la creación de un login en donde todos mis compañeros de trabajo deben registrarse. Hice los archivos HTML, CSS, PHP y creé la base de datos en este hosting; ya he testeado y realizado muchas pruebas desde mi laptop y desde mi dispositivo móvil y todo sale bien, lleno el formulario del login y los datos quedan guardados en la base de datos, pero el problema es que las demás personas no pueden ingresar a mi pagina desde sus positivos, les aparece: "No se puede acceder a este sitio". Tal vez ustedes me puedan ayudar a encontrar una solución.
  4. Honest! To Bixa: I created another account and it's still pending on the client, how come? On the other account I've waited like 2 weeks now, when will you fix it =)
  5. Wrong topic, and also wrong category. Contact support if you did not get the email after 3 days. EDIT: Yeah you’re probably right Burke Knight. My guess is OP did not setup the MOFH API correctly, so the account is active in iFNs side, but not the client area side.
  6. When will the hosting accounts be accepted? They are still pending right now.
  7. now I created database and all. when I go to install.php file and put all details there and it says it's all done & set and tthen I see a button which say something like "complete installation" and this leads me to a URL like this - domain.abz/bixa/admin/register and when I click on this it just shows me a blank page.
  8. Nickname: The admin is a member of the admin group, and he is the admin of the admin group.
  9. Nickname: The admin is a member of the admin group, and he is the admin of the admin group.
  10. Ah I see, same here, pretty busy with life as well Congratulations on your success @TinkerMan! I haven't reviewed your host yet but so far it looks great! Keep it up.
  11. Long time ago usher created lots of songs, rnb, has been good over the years, but when will USA release new songs? New RNB, and hiphop? It's been dead for awhile and now other artists gets famous on their genre, which is bad for us who us who still care for RNB and hiphop.
  12. Thank you so much! I set up a MySQL database and used the information it gave me there, and it worked.
  13. 1. Xera URL 2. It's the new account for your Xera admin panel, make new user and pass 3. Mysql dB creds
  14. Hello, I put the xera files in but when i go to the directory it gives me a 500 error from the browser. I'm able to navigate directly to install.php, but i have a few questions about that as well. 1. in "website url" do i put the main url of my website or the url for the xera directory which is autofilled? 2. What username and password do i put in on the next step? I've tried the ones for my mofh account, and for the cpanel. 3.The "database" field. what does this mean? what do i put here? I tried just typing "xera" which is the placeholder but 4. When i try to click next step on this page no matter what i put in the boxes, it just reloads the current page. My website url: https://hosting.bobthecow.org Xera directory: https://hosting.bobthecow.org/xera install.php: https://hosting.bobthecow.org/xera/install.php Please help me with this. Thank you!
  15. This message comes from the security system that prevents non-browsers from connecting to your website. You can't use whatever software you are trying to use without upgrading to premium.
  16. Tinkerman I advertised yours as well here: https://forum.open.mp/showthread.php?tid=2342 Tinkerhost is good as well, but the design needs some improvements, bixa.us has some good design, spookhost not that bad either: https://www.namepros.com/threads/free-webhosting-no-ftp-and-with-good-controlpanel.1293179/ Bixa needs to login tho, so we can find out what your opinions are, tinkerman might have right that not limit to much though. Hes better than me on creating a webhostingservice :P
  17. Welcome back @PlanetCloud! I’ve been trying to push a TH update for the past 6 months now and every time I’m ready I think of something else I forgot / should add. so other then that endless train of thoughts, pretty good!
  18. @Fastniteowl I feel offended 😂 No, don’t do that. SSL expires, DNS checks fail, don’t limit SSL, especially not that low.
  19. I got 200. But in Raw data have this error: This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support. And how i can test it with insomnia ?
  20. Community is a little dead, everyone is busy with life, we have an actual successful MOFH host here, TinkerHost, thats about it.
  21. This is so great the panel is Über good stuff. 😃
  22. I've tried some of the free hosting out there, and Bixa is simply the best for free webhosting, everything is good in Bixa. I even posted your website on namepros, so you can gain more users. https://www.namepros.com/threads/free-best-webhosting-right-now.1345424/ You should limit the SSL to 3 per account I think, since you can have 3 websites, and manually accept new accounts so nobody is creating a spam accounts. Best of luck, thebest hosting out there Bixa Hosting, lots of people will registrate I believe 😃
  23. Ahahaha, been busy with uni and work, how's everyone doing here?
  24. Wow havent seen you in ages @PlanetCloud! What have you been doing?
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