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  4. What page/site does this error occur on?
  5. Mixed Content: The page at 'xxx' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame 'http://sv101.ifastnet.com/cookies.html'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. How do i change 'http://sv101.ifastnet.com/cookies.html' TO 'https://sv101.ifastnet.com/cookies.html'?
  6. Thanks . My site dont work How to do it?
  7. You can use e.g. https://tinkerhost.net to generate an SSL certificate for your site. Also you have added an weird CNAME record in cPanel - you probably want to remove that, otherwise your site doesnt fully work.
  8. Two weeks have passed. How to set SSL/HTTP's My site is http://www.myfreeya.net
  9. Earlier
  10. Agreed, the client and registration page is very good and seems secure. the design is very good as well, looks very clean and good. However the domain should match that, in the future you might need a better and easier domain for your company =)
  11. Thanks for these helpful replies, I am a bit if a noob with this but it looks like I will be able to get it done now.
  12. You need another domain, e.g. on Cloudflare. Create a record: example.yourdomain.com TXT xxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxx Then, in cPanel: _acme-challenge.resellerdomain.com CNAME example.yourdomain.com
  13. You can generate ssl from InfinityFree, It would be more easier than generating in local machine
  14. Use a spare domain for the txt record, than cname to that
  15. But the error isn't from xera, please check the callback url, it should start with https, change to https if starts with http
  16. You can enable the logging in app/config/config.php, you should set log threshold to 1 to get errors in logs folder
  17. Hi I am trying to set up SSL for my reseller account, but when I try to get the cert via my local machine as on this page: https://letsencrypt.org/getting-started/ the certbot asks me to Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name: _acme-challenge.nimno.eu. with the following value: [text string] I can only add CNAME record in the panel, so can soeone tell me how to achieve this? I searched this forum but the replies are either for other hosting or tell us to use a CNAME record, maybe thngs have changed? Thanks
  18. Calmhost is down due to hard drive issues. We are fixing the hard drive. Please check back later.
  19. Hi, do you know when can i see the error logs, or any logs created by xera?
  20. can i install this on mofh subdomain? example: the reseller domain is reseller.net, then LOGGED installed on portal.reseller.net. and user can create account under other available subdomain under reseller.net the portal.reseller.net is hosted outside mofh server.
  21. Yeah, sure I will join to Discord, from tomorrow I will be slower developing and less active because my vacation time ends but I will try to remain active, currently I'm working on the Xera CI4 migration
  22. Some reccomendations: Get shorter domains for clients/your homepage Add a note to let the user know that the password field can be left empty. Most user will prefer the randomly generated one. its kind of weird that only the cPanel start page has dark mode make the username in the account list clickable You probably dont want to offer Lets Encrypt for subdomains. At some point youll reach their rate limits, and cPanel wont get SSL anymore. add a copy button in the SSL setup, that will only copy "_acme-challenge". (or make it so that you can copy this seperatly from the rest of the domain, its easier and faster this way) Requesting the cert (after you have verified) failed for me for the first two times, you might want to look into that @Santiago you interested in joining the iFastNet Discord Server? Would probably be easier to communicate that way, especially when youre working a lot on Xera now...
  23. I thought that but I checked and there's no problem
  24. That was just prediction bro that maybe future updates will cause some compatiability issues with MOFH accounts.
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