Welcome to the official ByetHost / iFastNet forum! Please note that this is not a tech support forum, meaning that the members here can not help you with hosting/server related issues. If you have a problem with your hosting account that requires staff assistance, please send us a support ticket or check our knowledge base, and please read the rules before posting. You can present yourself here.
Important Links:
Please follow these rules when explaining the problem you are experiencing:
1. Read before you post: This means you first need to check the KnowledgeBase, and also search the hosting general boards to see if your question has not already been asked and answered. If you decide that the answer to your problem is neither in the KnowledgeBase nor in the hosting general boards, please follow the rules below when asking questions:
1. Informative subject: Make your topic's title as informative and clear as possible. Using one word like 'help!' or 'please!', or a combination of these words, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, or strings of !!!!! will get you nowhere and it will not help people who search the forum before asking their questions. Please, be descriptive.
2. List of specifications: You should try to give as much information about your issue as possible, including details on what errors you may be having.
3. Link: Providing a link to your site will probably give people a better understanding of the problem and may result in faster help. (If the site is locked to public or the problem cannot be seen as a guest, you'll need to create a test account for support team members to use.
4. Problem: Provide a detailed description of the problem you are experiencing, the areas that you are having the problem in, and any error message, will help.
1. Do not bump your topics within twenty-four hours of posting. Everybody here is a volunteer. Forum members all live in different parts of the world and may be in a different time zone to you. Members will help when they can.
2. Do not start more than one topic about the same problem. Duplicate topics will be deleted or locked.
3. Please post in the correct board. When you do post about your problem, please try to post it in the appropriate section. This just helps us both understand your issue, and help you more efficiently with people who know more about the problems you're encountering.
As a last note, please avoid messaging members of the forum for help, except in the cases of them telling you to do so. You will almost always get a faster response if you post in public so you have more people who can help you.