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  1. Use a spare domain for the txt record, than cname to that
  2. You know it yourself already - Premium Plans What is fh.wiki? Free Plan! Premium Plans do automatically install certificates, but who is providing the Premium Plans? iFastNet! is it fh.wiki? No! So you should not mention that or at least mention it is premium only Still, "only one in the world" is definitely not true.
  3. That still doesn't change the fact that it is not true.
  4. You do not understand what I am saying Our hosting platform is the only one in the world to automatically enable SSL HTTPS protection on every domain name. Only one in the world: this is not true, Automatically enable SSL HTTPS protection on every domain name: this is not true, mofh does NOT provide this feature Your main site fh.wiki, does not have SSL, so why not put SSL on there, why would someone trust that you provide SSL when your main site doesn't have it?
  5. This is not true Additionally, you don't even have SSL on your main site, why would you put it here?
  6. File a support ticket via your control panel
  7. Because its just DNS, afraid.org doesn't host their website. The website speed depends on the hosting provider chosen by the user I do not think freedns works like a real domain. Their domains are not registered in the Public Suffix List, so there is no chance you will get your own SEO results You can't use Cloudflare DNS with afraid.org It works as a simple blog or personal profile site, but not any more
  8. Those resource warnings are telling you that you have used 50% or 80% of the limits You can check them in the control panel WordPress is quite heavy for free hosting, so that is not something surprising You can probably disable some addons you do not need After you reached 100%, your account will be suspended for 24 hours, and not permanently
  9. Enter the details provided in the MOFH Panel?
  10. InfinityFree provides Google Trust Certs pretty well tho
  11. I changed the LE staging server url to get it working with Google Trust, then some get requests changed to post or the other way around. Google Trust has stricter requirements on the request method and YAAC simply doesn't comply with TXT validation works on free hosting
  12. I had a successes on YAAC after hours of frustration, i remembered you mentioned that's the library you used for your free ssl site
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