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  1. What page/site does this error occur on?
  2. You can use e.g. https://tinkerhost.net to generate an SSL certificate for your site. Also you have added an weird CNAME record in cPanel - you probably want to remove that, otherwise your site doesnt fully work.
  3. You need another domain, e.g. on Cloudflare. Create a record: example.yourdomain.com TXT xxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxx Then, in cPanel: _acme-challenge.resellerdomain.com CNAME example.yourdomain.com
  4. Some reccomendations: Get shorter domains for clients/your homepage Add a note to let the user know that the password field can be left empty. Most user will prefer the randomly generated one. its kind of weird that only the cPanel start page has dark mode make the username in the account list clickable You probably dont want to offer Lets Encrypt for subdomains. At some point youll reach their rate limits, and cPanel wont get SSL anymore. add a copy button in the SSL setup, that will only copy "_acme-challenge". (or make it so that you can copy this seperatly from the rest of the domain, its easier and faster this way) Requesting the cert (after you have verified) failed for me for the first two times, you might want to look into that @Santiago you interested in joining the iFastNet Discord Server? Would probably be easier to communicate that way, especially when youre working a lot on Xera now...
  5. You might want to change the text on that page. Email sending does not seem to work.
  6. However, the cost of regular domains (in the first year) is decreasing, and theres some really cheap, lower quality tlds which even renew for cheap. You can use eu.org; itll take forever to get approved, and its basically impossible to have your domains not consideres as spam, however you will be able to use Cloudflare DNS.
  7. Files above 10MB will automatically get deleted. (there might be lower limits for some other file types, e.g. .php has an 1mb file limit)
  8. cPanel SSL will automatically install. If it doesnt within a few days, contact support.
  9. Oh they did. Not sure why they would have done that, but whatever Edit: It literally just checks if the record contains "spf" so if you can regenerate the verification value a few times (thats what most people use root TXT records for at least) then youve successfully bypassed that.
  10. Thats one of their premium features. The iFastNet admins dont really read this forum anyways. However, you can do almost anything with these records provided. The only thing you cant modify is the root domain IP, thatll always point to your hosting account. However, you can modify any subdomain to point to any IP by CNAMEing an domain pointing to that desired IP. This also applies e.g. for TXT records. If you want TXT records on the root domain, use the SPF feature. The other option is to add your domain to cloudflare AFTER adding it to your MOFH account and then to manage all DNS settings from there.
  11. Havent checked either project in a longer time 🙃
  12. If I recall correctly AcmePHP, which InfinityFree uses, also doesnt work all that well with Google Trust. Thats why I reccomend AcmeCert. Note: AcmePHP is maintained by ZeroSSL, and with ZeroSSL sponsoring quite a few ACME Clients there might be changes in the direction of ZeroSSLs interests, just like what happened to acme.sh. Just make sure to always check their announcements, to not suddenly have break stuff when the default CA gets changed.
  13. What admin said is not true. I just replicated it on InfinityFree. Theres also an limit of 1000, or 999 domains. (iFastNet cant count) To the mods: The username is supposed to be in the image.
  14. YAAC works, not sure if it works on Free Hosting, I believe someone told me it doesn't. Either way, I don't really reccomend yaac, because it requires modifications to generate certificates compatible with free hosting, and also wont work with any other ACME CA than Lets Encrypt (could probably get that running with large modifications).
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