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Everything posted by hello

  1. Can the encryption key be any thing I want to put it as or what is it for? What is the salt that is added to it, like everytime I make an account with the same password, the hash is the same.
  2. Thanks Sounds like a good idea, only if people disable the js but thats unlikely
  3. Also for the sidebar with MOFH-R, when you press the drop-down button and you press a button within it the drop-down thing closes, is it possible for it to stay open? Also when you log in or signup, if you enter the wrong information all the stuff that was previously filled in goes away, is it possible if you change that so it stays in there like what xera does? Thanks
  4. @Mahtab HassanAlso, for the password encryption in the database for MOFH-R which encryption type does it use or is it random out of the list of different types of encryption? Also, did you add salt to it? Also what is the encryption key it asks for when you first set it up? Thanks
  5. Well, we kinda said both stats and user log in. Will it be added later?
  6. I installed beta version and I couldn't find the button to log in to user's account.
  7. Happened to me as well. Think Softaculous didn't install the files correctly.
  8. Is it possible for me to make users not allowed to make a subdomain under my host's name? Because for example if I have a host called greenhost.com and they can make a subdomain under that. Can I disable that for users? Many Thanks
  9. The only thing I like about moph-r is the smtp working and the self assigned certificate but xera has better control panel for admins. I think it definitely will be added later. Also @Mahtab HassanDo I add the smtp crypto for xera as well? Because when I tried it didnt work.
  10. @Mahtab HassanIt works for mofh-g but not xera. does mofhy g have the feature to see stats of users like xera. And can you login to users account like xera as well?
  11. @Mahtab Hassan <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['mailtype'] = 'html'; $config['wordwrap'] = TRUE; $config['wrapchars'] = 1000; $config['smtp_timeout'] = 300; $config['smtp_crypto'] = tls; I also tried this, they both didnt change the error
  12. @Mahtab Hassan <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['mailtype'] = 'html'; $config['wordwrap'] = TRUE; $config['wrapchars'] = 1000; $config['smtp_timeout'] = 300; $config['smtp_crypto'] = 'tls'; This is what I changed it to, is it correct?
  13. @Mahtab HassanThank you so much! You do deserve rest. I'll look at what the smtp_crypto thing is.
  14. @Mahtab HassanThanks, its weird it is working for others and not me
  15. Do you want me to give you access to the control panel? I will install another one and i can give you access to ftp and the panel.
  16. @Mahtab HassanThanks, I tried all the SMTP ports. 25,587,465,2525. They just don't work. When I change to a different port, it takes forever to load; when it is finished, it gives me an error. Also happens with localhost
  17. @TinkerManYes, I got all the correct credentials. Even with the online SMTP testers they all work. Except for xera and the latest MOFY-R doesnt work.
  18. @Mahtab HassanSo what is the problem with SMTP not working? Is it because I have the wrong SMTP credentials or is it my setting? Im using port 787 and mailgun
  19. @Mahtab HassanThanks, would php 7.4.21 work?
  20. Hello, None of the cPanel accounts I have with MOFH has the option to alter the PHP version. When I use InfinityFree their cPanel has the option to alter the PHP version. Could anyone please help me? Thanks
  21. @AnyxI tried the new software and the same thing happened. What php version do I need? I'm using localhost and Xera with Web Host. Also how did you know about the new software coming out?
  22. @AnyxThanks I will try that. I tried all the pervious versions of xera and SMTP doesnt seem to work. Thank you
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