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Jst Tan

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Posts posted by Jst Tan

  1. 44 minutes ago, BastelPichi said:

    If you dont want to pay for an additional domain, this is the best solution.

    I guess this is plan then, since I don’t hv a high budget now. But any suggestions or recommendations is still welcomed. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, TinkerMan said:

    Probably not if you’re just buying the domain. The registry charges registrars to register the domain, so the registrars have to charge you more to make a profit. 


    Upload illegal content - use it to host scams and spam, etc. The monitoring system catches a lot of it, but sometimes it gets flagged before the system takes it down. I mean if you want to regularly check every domain you can ….



    Yes to the .top. The “www” subdomain and the base domain should always show the same content. For SEO purposes, you should use one or the other, and redirect the other one. For example, if you want to use “example.tld”, you should redirect “www.example.tld” to “example.tld” (Or vise versa). 

    If you want a homepage and a personal site on the same domain, you can do “example.tld” OR “www.example.tld” for your hosting company homepage, and something like “me.example.tld” or “example.tld/me” for your personal site. 

    1) Based upon what you said, I think the domain registration I found offer the cheapest one, out of the everything else I found. 

    2) Is it possible to prevent these illegal contents to appear in the sites? Or should I just suspend their acc whenever such thing was found?

    3) Ok thanks for your feedback on the .top. So I should make both www and the base domain (.com) to show the hosting homepage, and a subdomain like me.example.com got my personal website. Did I understand correctly?

  3. On 11/21/2023 at 12:28 AM, TinkerMan said:

    If you only have one domain name that you use, then yes. Any client who signs up gets a subdomain of your main domain. If clients abuse that subdomain (and trust me, they will), your main domain will also be punished by search engines and anti-virus software. 

    You can get domains pretty cheap. I would recommend a .com or something from your main website, but you only need something like .top or .xyz for your users. 

    If you are just using affiliate marketing to make money, you are almost certainly going to be losing money for a long time, unless you are also using affiliate links that are outside iFN, and if you are, that’s basically just advertising anyways, and is annoying. Might as well just use ads, you get more money out of it. Just put one or two on the page, and don’t use pop-ups. 


    Also, so I should get a .com domain with the main site serving as the hosting pages, with a www subdomain serving as my personal site, with a .top domain for my clients, did I understand and plan this correctly? Or should I get a second .com domain for my personal website instead of the www. 

  4. On 11/21/2023 at 12:28 AM, TinkerMan said:

    If you only have one domain name that you use, then yes. Any client who signs up gets a subdomain of your main domain. If clients abuse that subdomain (and trust me, they will), your main domain will also be punished by search engines and anti-virus software. 

    You can get domains pretty cheap. I would recommend a .com or something from your main website, but you only need something like .top or .xyz for your users. 

    If you are just using affiliate marketing to make money, you are almost certainly going to be losing money for a long time, unless you are also using affiliate links that are outside iFN, and if you are, that’s basically just advertising anyways, and is annoying. Might as well just use ads, you get more money out of it. Just put one or two on the page, and don’t use pop-ups. 


    So based on what you said, I needed 2 domains, one for the hosting, and another for my clients (which is similar to InfinityFree I guess). May I ask how do clients abuse the domain, and are there any methods for me to stop it? So I should get a .com domain for my main site, and .top domain for my client sites. 

    I plan to use affiliate marketing, so it is more tailored into real content on the site, and since my hosting is tailored into a specific region (Southeast Asia), so I could offer affiliate marketing content for that region, which is relevant to the users overall. I plan to use iFastNet affiliate program and etc, 

    I felt the ads might annoy users, but I do liked the idea, bit it always curious me if the ads platform will bring in privacy concerns and privacy compliance too, that why I consider to use affiliate program instead, but any suggestions is appreciated. 

  5. On 11/21/2023 at 1:31 AM, BastelPichi said:

    You can get a .top domain for 3.35$ a year from GoDaddy.

    Per month: 0.28$. According to an screenshot, you get about 0.40$ in affiliate commisions per Month from an Ultimate Premium Monthly Subscriber. So one client that upgrades would in theory be enough to cover an domain.


    However users that use Free Hosting often aren't really the kind of people that want to spend 8$ a month on hosting. Also keep in mind that you cannot cashout your money up until you reach 25$ in commisions.


    Well I never know you could get a .top domain for so cheap with Godaddy, then do you have any suggestions on where to get .com domains yearly for less then $9.62? 

    Based on what you said, I guess it will be easy to maintain the domain without losing money I guess. I would take notes from your suggestions and advices, thanks! 


  6. Just now, Vawiz said:

    I got it wrong i thought you will also provide free custom domains.

    Oh no, I mean I want the hosting, to be free from any ads (which means no ads). I don’t hv enough money to give free hosting for me, especially with the high inflation and high taxes for profit here in my country, it is impossible for me to do it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Vawiz said:

    A good idea though how will you earn some money to pay for the current domain if you cannot run some few ads. Anyway this idea of yours is great especially if you already have affiliates on ifast since you will be paying bills from your earnings.


    You can also be generous enough to sponsor the free domains and set it in search away that it can only be used on your hosting platform, i mean be the one being billed instead of the client, but again you need to run ads so that you can stongly earn from ads at the same time earn from affiliates so that you can also have something for your pocket too 🤑

    Hmm, thanks for the suggestion, and I definitely using the affiliate method, but I don’t really want to put the ads, since I want to provide an ad-free experience, so the users would only focus on making their website awesome. 

    It make me curious by what do you mean by I being billed instead of the client through? 

    Speaking of earning, I thinking of displaying a few affiliate content on my hosting, so users could use my affiliate links, and I earn a commission to cover the cost of the hosting, although is this possible?

  8. 17 hours ago, BastelPichi said:

    They will get an subdomain automatically. If you were to use cloudflare, your users wouldnt be able to use these subdomains, however it would still work with their own domains. This would create confusion tho.


    Domains are really cheap nowadays - arent the 5 extra dollars worth it to you?

    So, if they use my service, they will get a subdomain of my main domain for free? Did I understand correctly?

    Hmm due to inflation, multiple domains is expensive to me to be honest, and I actually considering of making the hosting free of ads and etc, so users wouldn't be annoyed with the ads and all, so I am finding ways to cut cost. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, luluhoste said:

    Non, normalement, il n'est pas obligatoire pour vos utilisateur d'utiliser votre domaine, ils peuvent lier leur propre domaine personnaliser...

    ---trad google---

    No, normally it is not obligatory for your users to use your domain, they can link their own custom domain...

    If I not allow my users to use my domain, then would SEO be affected in anyway if I use the method I mentioned before through? 

  10. Hmm, two domains is too costly to me, but I wanted to try out to make a web host, while operating my own personal website. 

    It really make me curious, on how my homepage will be affected in SEO by the content from my users, when they use their own domain? Or is it required for them to use my domain?

  11. 33 minutes ago, BastelPichi said:

    Well the www subdomain is going to point to your site. The version without is still going to point to MOFH. Most users dont type the www.

    Well, www is very common on most websites, and I could put a button on MOFH that could point it to my website. Since the main domain needs to be MOFH, I guess this is the only method, but any suggestions is greatly appreciated. 

  12. On 11/16/2023 at 10:00 PM, Jst Tan said:

    Oh ok thanks. Will use this information to plan my future plans accordingly. Thanks for your time, greatly appreciated your help. 

    Then is it possible to host the main domain on MyOwnFreeHost while being able to use a www subdomain on another hosting for my main website (which is hosted on Vercel or GitHub Pages), or does MyOwnFreeHost also need to reserve a subdomain like www and etc for the reseller account?

  13. 1 hour ago, BastelPichi said:

    That isnt possible without another domain.

    However having an subdomain that points to another host is possible.

    Oh ok thanks. Will use this information to plan my future plans accordingly. Thanks for your time, greatly appreciated your help. 

  14. Hi there! Thanks for your reply. For my personal sites,I was planning to host it on the main root too, and I actually planning to use another host that is closer to my current residence in Malaysia. That why I having the issue. I was thinking if it is possible to use a subdomain for the page to sign up for hosting and other pages? 

  15. Hello everyone! I recently discovered MyOwnFreeHost from other sites, such as InfinityFree and etc. I will launch my personal site in the upcoming weeks, and I am planning to get a domain (.com) for it too. However, I notice that MyOwnFreeHost needed name servers too, does it meant that I needed to have a separate domain for the reseller, or could I use the subdomain for my personal site? 


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