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  1. I have created a site using React.js I now how to host it here by creating the build files thats not an issue. How ever I am running hidden variables on the site. I am testing it on vercel right now and I can add those hidden variables in on vercel. How would I add them here. Can I just upload the .env file? Or is there another way?
  2. Does anyone know how I can run a React App? I am not sure how to properly upload the files and such so that I can have the app.js load. I know on local I do npm start but how can I get it to load on the servers
  3. I figured it out. The forwarder is doing what I wanted it to do. I played around and got it.
  4. A catch all might work, yes. Can I have 1 for each different domain I have connected? It didn't look like I could.
  5. I am wondering how to create an email alias. For example I would like to create a webmaster@ alias. So if I email webmaster@ it is delivered to say the honeybee@ email address. But I can see that it was regarding webmaster@. 1 log in 2 emails so to speak. I don't want to use a auto responder as I don't necessarily want an email sent back to them I just want to have an alias. Is this possible with the premium hosting?
  6. I am positive It does seem to suddenly be working now. I didn't make any changes but it is now loading right
  7. I did that already. I even used a different browser. A different PC as well.
  8. I was working on my site yesterday (navyladyveteran.com) and for some reason when I finally got it to look right (or at least the part I was working on) locally and uploaded it to hosting it no longer looked right. The menu that is. So I tried uploading it as a new install to a new sub-domain I created last night (navyladyveteran.loveslife.biz) and everything looks as it should. One of my other sites that I work on (bubbahayden.com) did a similar thing. When I uploaded the base files with the new changes it didn't take effect. However that one is correct today. Granted that site is just the base templates at the moment but the menu portion looks as I currently have it coded to look. When I look at the coding for navyladyveteran.com it is the way it should be so the code update took but if I view source on the live site it doesn't reflect the changes I made. This has happened before. I made changes to the code directly through the file manager but the live site source code didn't change. Am I missing something?
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