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Posts posted by duckhost.ml

  1. 14 hours ago, BastelPichi said:

    Which is actually untrue. If the service you offer is unique, people don't care. Ever looked at aw***space webhosting (google it) or namesilo? The homepage modern, the panel quite old.

    For mobile users: vPanel is unresponsible as hell nomatter what.


    Lol actually I am of your opinion, I just cant see "wrong" arguments \xD...

    you're right i used aw***space once it's really old

  2. 2 hours ago, User51 said:

    To be honest, no. It's ugly, not responsive, and horribly spaced out.

    However, read the reply I made before

    Again, if your service looks dated, people will not want to use it.

    @duckhost.ml If you really want to use this theme, just know that:

    a) It's not responsive - any mobile/tablet user will struggle, and potentially leave.

    b) It sets a bad first impression. If you really want to use the theme, that's fine, but make sure that there are other, more modern and updated themes to choose from. And make sure it's not the default.

    People have short attention spans. If your site doesn't set a great first impression in the first few seconds, nobody's going to bother scrolling to the very bottom of the page and reading a copyright date.

    You land across these two hosts. Which would you choose?



    These are two iFastNet-powered hosts I found over the internet. One of them is far more popular, and for a good reason.

    I'd like to pick 2th but that's kind of silly to me

  3. 7 hours ago, Anyx said:

    Sorry for the late response, I wasn't following the topic. I'm currently working on bringing a variation of this theme (you may know it as Retro) to the project, and hope to have it ready soon!

    UPDATE: I just added Retro! You can fully use the theme now! Install as you would any normal theme.

    An interesting idea that's also come to me, in my tries to bring Jupiter to vPanel it didn't function properly, but since it is a different theme that should be expected. I may try and I'm open to help and suggestions, but I wouldn't like iFastNet to update to the Jupiter theme yet; Paper Lantern at least has its variations, and Jupiter is still a little young, but give it time I hope it will also support styling and/or customization options.


  4. 17 hours ago, Wizacr said:

    Setting this up would be relatively simple, but to implement properly may be more challenging.

    Assuming you're using the default signup form, you may find it easier to create this using a multi-step process. One where your first step is to enter your email then the user submits this and you can check it against your own list of 'bad' email domains, if they check out proceed to take them to the remainder of the sign up form.

    The reason for a multi step process is to properly send the captcha back to iFastnet for registration.

    One glaring issue is the ease that the user can modify the form data before submitting after you've processed your checks. We can ignore this, as it is not typical for bots or random fly by users. However, as you learn and get familiar with PHP etc. this should be resolved.


    To break this down a bit, you would have step 1 be an input textbox asking for the users email address, the user would submit this and on the following page you can use PHP to check their email domain against a list of 'bad' email domains.

    A quick example script for this would be:

    $e = $_POST['email'];
    if ($e) {
        $e = explode('@', $e);
        $blacklist = array('wzcmail.com', 'temp-mail.org', 'otherbademail.com');
        if (in_array($e['1'], $blacklist)) {
    		//Don't display the remainder of the form, ask the user to use a real email address.
        } else {
            echo 'Good to go.';
    		//Continue the page asking for remaining information.

    If the email domain is in your blacklist the script would prevent them from seeing the remainder of the form blocking their registration.

    If their email domain is not on your blacklist they would continue to sign up properly. You would then store the email in a hidden input box with the remainder of the form.


    The basic components you'd need to learn and understand in PHP for this script are:

    IF statements




    You can find more on these from sites such as w3schools.com.


    I hope this helps you understand what you'll need learn to set this up on your site, creating your own solutions to problems is the best way to begin learning.

    Thank you

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