I have a web application with its web server (it's written in C++) and I'd like to host it here if possible. It has SSL support but the certificate isn't valid currently, so I'd also like a (preferably free) domain name that I can get a valid certificate for it on. It uses Boost.Beast, a C++ library based on Boost.Asio that supports HTTP/S and WebSockets, and also Jinja2Cpp (HTML Template library based on Python's Jinja2--work in progress, but intended to support all features that Jinja2 already supports as well) and Nlohmann JSON.
On the JavaScript code, read the comments and then skip down to line 1024; looking at the whole object holding the country-currency mapping isn't necessary.
If this site doesn't support compiled scripts on the backend, then do you guys know of one does that's also free? Thanks in advance for any replies and/or help.