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  1. Hello, I put the xera files in but when i go to the directory it gives me a 500 error from the browser. I'm able to navigate directly to install.php, but i have a few questions about that as well. 1. in "website url" do i put the main url of my website or the url for the xera directory which is autofilled? 2. What username and password do i put in on the next step? I've tried the ones for my mofh account, and for the cpanel. 3.The "database" field. what does this mean? what do i put here? I tried just typing "xera" which is the placeholder but 4. When i try to click next step on this page no matter what i put in the boxes, it just reloads the current page. My website url: https://hosting.bobthecow.org Xera directory: https://hosting.bobthecow.org/xera install.php: https://hosting.bobthecow.org/xera/install.php Please help me with this. Thank you!
  2. Introduction Xera Lite is a free web hosting solution for MyOwnFreeHost client and support management system designed to work with less specifications. Features Xera Lite features are listed below: 1. MOFH Api Integration 2. Support Ticket System 3. Easy Template System 4. User Management 5. SMTP Support Requirements Your server need to met minimal requirements: 1. PHP v5.6 or above. 2. MySQL v5.2 or above. 3. Valid SSL Certificate. Download Download it from Google Drive. Help Forum: fourm.xera.eu.org Email: [email protected]
  3. how to setup subdomain feature in reseller website using Xera, so user can use a free subdomain while registering, i can use FreeDNS if it requires, screen shot attached for Xera API Settings for Domain Extension, that can explain what I'm asking for. https://1drv.ms/i/s!Am4lKehOYYkLiKgV50Zoe1P66jz1DQ?e=666G8U Sincerely,
  4. Hii. I'm looking for a free theme applicable for Xera front page. offers free webhosting services. it will be good if it a wordpress theme, because I implemeting the frontpage will be a wordpress site offers MOFH reseller services. domain gateegy.pp.ua Sincerely,
  5. how to add my ownfreehost.net nameservers to Xera client registration process, and how it will work.
  6. Hi. Does Xera has a public page for the visitors before starting registration, and if there I hope to be similar to Client area. Thanks,
  7. Bonjour Comment modifier le lien du FTP dans la page "view account"... Merci ---trad google--- Good morning How to modify the FTP link in the "view account" page... THANKS
  8. Salut 🙂 Dans Xera, la fonction "whois lookup" ne marche pas... Que faire pour la réparer ? Merci ---trad google--- Hi 🙂 In Xera, the "whois lookup" function does not work... What to do to repair it? THANKS
  9. Salut Comment mettre à jour Xera ? Merci ---trad google--- Hi How to update Xera? THANKS
  10. Bonjour Comment peut on supprimé des utilisateurs de Xera / GenerateArea ? Merci ---trad google--- Good morning How can users be deleted from Xera / GenerateArea ? THANKS
  11. Bonjour Est il possible de changé Xera pour que le formulaire d'inscription ne demande plus le nom et prénom, comme GenerateArea... Quel fichier remplacé, quel lignes de codes changé ? Merci pour les réponses... 🙂 ---trad google--- Good morning Is it possible to change Xera so that the registration form no longer asks for the name and first name, like GenerateArea... Which file replaced, which lines of code changed? Thanks for the answers... 🙂
  12. Salut Avec Xare/GenerateArea, il y a la possibilité de crée 3 comptes gratuit, est il possible de changer cette limite ? ---trad google--- Hi With Xare/GenerateArea, there is the possibility of creating 3 free accounts, is it possible to change this limit ?
  13. Salut à tous !!! Est il possible que quelqu'un crée un tuto sur l'installation des zone clients Xera/GenerateArea ? Pas la première partie, il y a le README (comme aime la rappeler @TinkerMan) 😂 Mais la configuration "API Settings "... Merci a tous ceux et celles qui pourrons crée se tuto !!! ---trad google--- Hi all !!! Is it possible that someone creates a tutorial on the installation of Xera / GenerateArea client areas ? Not the first part, there is the README (as @TinkerMan likes to remind) 😂 But the "API Settings"... Thank you to all those who can create this tutorial !!!
  14. Bonjour Quel API SSL peut on lier avec Xare/Generate Area ? Gogetssl, est par défaut, mais est il possible d'utiliser Zerossl ? Merci ---trad google--- Good morning Which SSL API can we link with Xare/Generate Area? Gogetssl is default, but is it possible to use Zerossl? THANKS
  15. Hello everyone! Previously i saw many people moving from mofhy or any other platform to xera and were facing a few issues that can be fixed by just a few efforts. Although i created xera but i was unable to completely understand it myself and it was also built on an outdated version of codeigniter(V3) and there was a few missing features as well. So i was thinking to make a clientarea according to current user need and up-to-dated vendors. I'm going to use Codeigniter 4 with a few tweaks. So I thought ask seniors for their suggestions on what features i should add in newly build clientarea which can go a long way.
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