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Remove/add items in Control Panel + MORE

Guest DixieKongJD

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Guest DixieKongJD
Since you offer to install automatically any script so we can create niche hosting sites, why can't we have the ability to remove/add specific items for CPanel? I would run a site called BBFree for free forum hosting of phpBB, MyBB and SMF, or other forum softwares, but wish to restrict some areas which aren't relevant for forum hosting and also add some areas such as theme/plugin downloads for the specific forum softwares, which would change depending on what software had been selected (doable via the plan settings). Also, why do we have not a few other abilities: Custom Announcements in CP Custom Themes in CP More customised plan settings More than one subdomain, like byethost itself it cycles per subdomain, changeable by the user A lot of this site appears to be just a marketing program for iFastNet you should be able to customise a lot more and more white label especially considering the way YouHosting is going down even if MOFH is good as it is for what it does. One thing: instead of hosting everything like the KB, TOS and such on iFastNet and SecureSignup, instead there should just be auto-added banners and such in the panel, 404/etc error pages, KB to try iFastNet for faster and better hosting, it gains more trust than suspicion in my eyes.
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