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How to get the sql server address

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I'm creating a client area, however, I would like to know how to obtain the address of the sql server, that address that must be put to start the connection in mysql, ex:

# No Localhost
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=hosting', 'root', '');

The address of the sql server is different from localhost, for some users it can be sql123.mysite.com.br and for others it can be sql321.mysite.com.br

How can I get that address?

Obs: I'm already using the InfinityFree code

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17 hours ago, uHost said:

Oi @Ryan Matheus

O endereço sql de cada nova conta criada será postado no url de retorno que você inseriu no painel de administração do mofh. Assim que a conta se torna ativa, o sistema publica automaticamente o endereço sql, você pode analisar os dados de postagem para obter mais detalhes. ?

Thank you very much

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