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Ryan Matheus

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  1. A simple way to save all the data would be like this <?php # Codigo de exemplo para salvar o post file_put_contents("log_".time().".txt", json_encode($_POST, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
  2. I know this is possible, but there are certain things I can't test without spending a long time, like when the account is deleted
  3. Thanks, Exactly what I needed, if I have any more questions I'll add them to the forum
  4. I know how it works, but as the POST arrives, I don't know what the index of the variable $_POST["???"] is and what values it could contain. That's why I asked if there was documentation, so I could learn exactly how this works.
  5. Is there any documentation for the callback url, I'm creating a public interface that uses myownfreehost api and I don't know how it works
  6. I'm creating a client area, however, I would like to know how to obtain the address of the sql server, that address that must be put to start the connection in mysql, ex: <?php # No Localhost $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost; dbname=hosting', 'root', ''); The address of the sql server is different from localhost, for some users it can be sql123.mysite.com.br and for others it can be sql321.mysite.com.br How can I get that address? Obs: I'm already using the InfinityFree code
  7. I am creating a hosting site, but I would like to be able to send the user to a personalized page after login ex: User clicks on the ssl icon in the client area and sends it to cpanel on the page to manage the ssl, without having to go through the home page of cpanel. I don't know if it is possible to do this, because I accessed sites like infinityfree.net and profreehost.com and it doesn't have this function.
  8. I know I should use this, but what I need I am not finding in the mofh client
  9. I just said I didn't understand his question, he asked how to register his website on google, so I understand he thinks that google's positioning has to register his site, I simply answered how positioning works, and since he speaks portuguese I answered in Portuguese, which is my native language
  10. Olá, não precisa falar inglês comigo, não entendi sua pergunta, você quiz dizer para ele aparecer no Google? Se sim lamento informar que você vai ter que esperar, o Google indexa seu site automaticamente conforme uma avaliação pelos robôs, se seu site tiver melhor SEO ele aparecerá mais alto nos resultados de pesquisa do Google. [ENGLISH] Hello, you don't need to speak English with me, I didn't understand your question, did you mean to have him appear on Google? If yes I am sorry to inform you that you will have to wait, Google automatically indexes your site according to an evaluation by the robots, if your site has better SEO it will appear higher in Google's search results.
  11. I am creating a hosting with myownfreehost, but I would like the client's mysql server to show in the client area I would like it to remain as the client area of infinityFree, where it shows your username, password, bank name structure and host. InfinityFree looks like this MySQL Details MySQL Username epiz_usuario MySQL Password ************ MySQL Hostname sql201.epizy.com (I would like to recover this data in my hosting) MySQL Port (optional) 3306 Database Name epiz_usuario_XXX (create this in the control panel)
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