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Posts posted by PlanetCloud

  1. I'm well aware inspect element can be used to get around this but at least users cannot accidentally register sensitive domains. See this topic:

    and the JS would be like "Whoops this is taken" or "Contains blacklisted keywords" before submit.

    If then someone were to register the sensitive/reserved keywords with inspect element or other ways.. we can blacklist their IP instead or something, as we now know they're malicious.

  2. On 12/7/2022 at 12:39 PM, Burke Knight said:

    That's basically what this thread is about, it seems. 😂


    On 12/8/2022 at 12:35 PM, BastelPichi said:

    2 posts? You honestly think thats gonna keep me away? IVE WORKED MY WAY WAY FROM THE GROUND, NOT EVEN PLANET CLOUD IS GONNA STOP ME


    I'm not going to stop you....


    I'm just going to beat you



    Is this how I'm going to be suppressed from reaching 2K posts?


    Oh nvm it's now approved ^W^


  3. 2 hours ago, Mahtab Hassan said:

    Well it doesn't matter if a user try to reset an account password that is not yet created it will not process any request. 



    By the way $this->mailer->is_active() is used to check whether the smtp mailing is enabled or not. If is enabled then an email will be sent to desired email and if disabled then it will return a boolean.

    Then check the logic code again, as you can just call it and return.


    For the callback you can simply check app/controller/C.php.

    About this, I also have a comment... shouldn't have used a single letter for the file name as it violates PSR rules. PSR is a coding style standard that I and many others use so we can easily work on other's code. Also it's a security risk now I realized it... Check again https://github.com/PlanetTheCloud/mofh-callback-client.


    I will add a salting method soon for password protection. 



  4. I see this is definitely a huge improvements from the previous version. Using CodeIgniter framework and avoiding most common security vulnerabilities, however there are still some yet these are a bit harder to exploit such as storing password only using hash (prone to rainbow table attack), some confusing logic such as:

    		return true;
    	return true;
    return false;

    That could have been re-written as:

    	return true;
    return false;


    return $res;

    Depending if the $this->mailer->is_active() call is needed or not, and many others I see that can be optimized or be more concise.

    Also there's a possibility for spam attacks where Admin's password kept getting reset, and also check this out: https://github.com/PlanetTheCloud/mofh-callback-client.

    Other notable mention is that when I request reset password for non-existent email, it says that the reset is successful instead of error indicating email is invalid. Either change the message to be more neutral such as "Check your inbox. If your account is with us, you'll receive an email.".

    I haven't dive in much deeper in other parts of the site but generally this has fixed most of the issues.



  5. 21 hours ago, PlanetCloud said:

    Hmm I see... I've provided the reason to the suspended call. Your code should filter the reason to see if the cause of the suspension is x and notify the client appropriately. I'll try to implement another method to help with parsing common errors. Will code it tomorrow.

    I've updated the code to include this feature.

    // Function to be executed when an account has been suspended
    $callback->onAccountSuspended(function ($username, $reason, ..., $common_reason) {
        echo "Account {$username} has been suspended with the following reason: {$reason}";
        if ($common_reason) {
            $reason = str_replace(['DAILY_EP', 'DAILY_CPU', 'DAILY_HIT', 'DAILY_IO'], ['Entry Process', 'CPU Usage', 'Website Hits', 'Input/Output'], $common_reason);
        echo "Your account has been suspended because the daily {$reason} quota has been exhausted";

    You can handle the reason quite elegantly as well.

  6. 2 hours ago, TinkerMan said:

    So a reseller could tell their clients that they were suspended because of x, otherwise they will come to whatever support channel you have an go “Why am I suspended???  I want my account back!!! I did nothing worng! Please?

    my fairly accurate representation of an annoyed clieny. 

    Hmm I see... I've provided the reason to the suspended call. Your code should filter the reason to see if the cause of the suspension is x and notify the client appropriately. I'll try to implement another method to help with parsing common errors. Will code it tomorrow.

  7. I'd like to point out that there's an issue with the domain availability API where if the account is being created but not activated yet, the domain can still be registered, as seen in the screenshot below:image.png

    Both have the same main domain under different account. So you should not rely on MOFH API alone.

    # Check domain availability
    $domains = $db->select('accounts', 'id', ['main_domain' => $main_domain]);
    if (count($domains) > 0) {
        throw new Rejection('Domain is not available.');
    $response = MofhClient::availability($main_domain);
    if (!$response->isSuccessful()) {
        throw new Rejection('Domain is not available.');

    Here is my implementation to check the domain's availability. Please note that I make my own wrapper (MofhClient) to handle the errors that may be returned by the API. The errors are logged and will not be shown to the end user unless the DEBUG mode is enabled in the config.

  8. 6 hours ago, TinkerMan said:

    You have to send the custom domain to the MOFH API so the nameservers can be checked.


    See: https://github.com/InfinityFreeHosting/mofh-client

    • availability
      • domain: The domain name or subdomain to check.


    	$client = Client::create();
    	$request = $client->availability(['domain' => $FormData['domain']]);
    	$response = $request->send();
    		//Something went wrong, display error message
    		echo $response->getMessage();
    		//The domain name can be used!
    		echo $FormData['domain'];
    		//Domain is already in use
    		echo 'Sorry! domain name already registered';


    Ah... that's what you meant... well I have another way of handling that and also Project LOGGED (v1.x) is not meant to have anything to do with composer (yet).. I'll consider it though. I'm not sure will the inode limits be enough or how it will perform. Will have to do some testing.

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