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  1. Nameservers when you add a reseller domain
  2. How did you go about it, i tried it and its giving me headache. am i supposed to add register and login files
  3. Anyone using Infinityfree mofh client area ?
  4. Yes dimitris, i want to create one with the api is there any tutorials
  5. Thank you all, this helps a lot. What about the MOFH client area is it a must i pay for whmsc to get the API
  6. Thanks starline that helps. What about the security code image from order.mydomainname.com /image.php?id=
  7. hello, when a client is signing up for an account, is order.mydomainname.com/register2.php supposed to be http or https because when its on https the cert is expired THEN THERE IS THIS ERROR ERROR #8938749304 Your browser does not appear to be sending refer information this is a requirement
  8. images on my website are slow loading and some are not loading at all, its like the image are broken but the images are still there. What might be the broblem
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