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About einet

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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  1. Ha how to remember those themes when they were created and adapted what times
  2. Friends freenom since September/October last year stopped offering domains and it was expected that people who had a domain with them sooner or later would lose it so it is not only your domain I guess it will continue to progressively removing access to users to their domain go to freenom and try to create a new domain to see that says an alert and obviously you can not create anything. greetings.
  3. Anyx

    Hi, hope you've been doing well!

  4. I'm facing an unknown error while installing my friend

    Hello Friend, I'm facing an error installing the script, I'm installing it via MyOwnFreeHost...

    - The sql-mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is enabled on your mysql server, contact your host provider to disable it.

    This error however I don't know how to solve it.

    Below I will leave you a print.

    Can you help me?



  5. you should check if your c.admin.php file exists within your /data/clases/ directory if the file exists and your problem continues replace it if you continue to have problems try and verify that your hosting has enabled to execute .htaccess and if it exists in your directory. since ifastnet hosts usually have problems with htaccess
  6. Re-install the script with version php 6.4 + or 7.4 in the main directory so that it does not give you errors
  7. Some of the forum community can make another better video in their languages to serve them in the future. I do not have enough time to edit and modify videos or give support
  8. The section (profile) was never finished so it gives 404 error with any usernick that goes to the profile, but you can develop it to your liking

     Steps to install Einet Anake videos

  10. I leave a playlist of 8 parts of the installation and configuration of Einet Anake I could not upload a single video due to lack of time and my very slow internet connection. I hope you have patience and can see all the videos and solve the confusion with the installation. Greetings. I will leave the link in my byet profile for those who do not see this thread @Aqib, @Astro Host,@RME Systems, @MeTooIDK,@Pro Hostinga
  11. I recommend to all users here who use reseller free that they be aware of their panels and servers since there are malicious people who are creating hosting accounts and filling them with malicious and fraudulent files to obscure and damage their brands and names of hosting services keep watching and checking the accounts that your customers create because there are already several hosting names blacklisted by those who want to damage your product or trademarks

  12. From now on I will not give more support and the Einet Anake script has been removed. The one that I keep it well and the one that does not sadden.

    1. AHost


      That's Unfortunate 

    2. Anyx


      Unfortunate, but it's been a good run. Thank you for providing support and updates for it while it lasted!

      If you're still here, could you clarify if "I will not give more support" was for your script, or general?

      Also sorry for posting late.

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