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  1. Hello, Your domain appears to use cloudflare's nameservers and an A record for your main site. For a reseller domain to work correctly you are strongly advised to not use Cloudflare and point it to Byet's nameservers (ns1-5.byet.org)
  2. Hello and welcome to the community forums! Please keep conversations in English. Regarding your issue, what is the error you're getting when trying to point your domain to the byet nameservers?
  3. Hey @ChippyTech& @TinkerMan. No need to fight each other. Let's keep this forum a nice & safe place for ideas and discussion And congrats @TinkerMan for the client area. Looks clean & simple to use!
  4. I believe this action is irreversible but please contact support on https://support.ifastnet.com.
  5. Hello @TinkerMan, I passed the message to iFastNet. The SSL should be renewed soon! As per @MS-DOS suggestion, they will need to check with the panel developers. Will update you if I have an update.
  6. Yeah sure! Hit me up with either a DM here or on discord.
  7. Hello. Could you please explain the problem you're having so we can understand and help as much as we can? Alternatively, you can open a support ticket on https://support.ifastnet.com.
  8. Hello Huynh, welcome to the Byet/iFastNet Forums! Any help you need feel free to create a topic in the corresponding category and the members can try to help. Please note that for technical support you need to open a ticket on https://support.ifastnet.com
  9. I don't see a reason to be taken down, as long as it's a MOFH-related service
  10. I consider that this problem is handled via GitHub then and I'm locking this topic.
  11. Glad to hear the issue was resolved. I'll lock this topic now but feel free to create a new one if anything comes up or you can also open a ticket on https://suport.ifastnet.com.
  12. Hello there, Please make sure you have uploaded the file inside the 'htdocs' directory of that domain and that you are typing the url correctly as servers are case sensitive (e.g. test.jpg is not the same as Test.jpg). In case that none of these above apply to your case you are welcome to open a ticket on https://support.ifastnet.com as the support team can access your account and help you troubleshoot your issue. Also moved this topic under the correct category
  13. It's amazing to hear that Xera is ready for testing Just wanted to let you know that the google drive download link is not working and there's a recaptha problem (ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key) on the demo instance that prevents any user from logging in or signing up
  14. Glad to see that was fixed. I consider this problem resolved and I'm locking the topic.
  15. I would suggest to report this to directly to iFastNet instead of the forum.
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