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About Mayank657

  • Birthday November 11

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  1. You can generate ssl from InfinityFree, It would be more easier than generating in local machine
  2. I think it cannot get user_name field from github. Thats why when i Signed using github my username was blank
  3. Email verification system dont work, I didn't get any email. Github login doesn't work it just stuck at the callback screen with blank page
  4. So we have to run it on vpses or what according to you
  5. Can you please test it on mofh free hosting
  6. It's confirm that this is error not only with me https://github.com/mahtab2003/Xera/issues/92
  7. Um, I think it is only with mofh free hosts
  8. If you are fixing errors, can you please fix the whois lookup it give HTTP ERROR 500
  9. I can understand that bro, but you should inform that you are taking a break so people like me don't ask others that this project is getting updates or not. BTW you can tell me if this project will get updates in future any ETA.(If you want to answer this)
  10. Bro I have also life, I'm not saying you to respond in 10 minutes or making you a personal support agent, I was just genuinely asking you a question
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