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About Santiago

  • Birthday 08/18/2000

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  1. Thanks @SpookyKipper and @TinkerMan for anwering the questions
  2. Hello, I was focused on my studies and working on Xera too, so I didn't do it before, I fixed Softaculous, and disk space, about link to iFN it is on plans, the login buttom I wil add after because I dont much time due my college (I need to update my code and all of my language files to add that buttom). Thanks for your feedback, congrats for TinkerHost.
  3. Hello, a new version of Xera was released (it fixed all currenly known errors): https://github.com/mahtab2003/Xera/releases/ It still working on Free Hosting.
  4. But the error isn't from xera, please check the callback url, it should start with https, change to https if starts with http
  5. You can enable the logging in app/config/config.php, you should set log threshold to 1 to get errors in logs folder
  6. Yeah, sure I will join to Discord, from tomorrow I will be slower developing and less active because my vacation time ends but I will try to remain active, currently I'm working on the Xera CI4 migration
  7. I thought that but I checked and there's no problem
  8. Sorry, I want to do a quick clarify, Xera was tested on MOFH and the latest version (Eternity) is working properly on MOFH hosting account
  9. Yes, maybe there's a weird thing with your username
  10. Yes and now Xera has ACME SSL compatibility, new version will be announced soon
  11. I don't why it won't worked, I just checked and works perfectly, but in my logs it was an user_name can't be null exception so I made user_name null allowed
  12. Now the email sending was fixed
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