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  1. location / { if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php break; } if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite .*$ /index.php?/$1 break; } } 试试看这个nginx.conf
  2. just upload builded files to hosting?
  3. your website working fine. try clear dns cache
  4. maybe you need activate windows check your account is suspended or not
  5. iFastNet VPS is High price low spec. has anyone tried ifatsnet vps before?
  6. i remember theres already has roundcube.
  7. Seems the Request to MOFH API isn't successful. Please Check your uname,password is working.
  8. 我可以正常访问,你看看你网路是不是有病. 还有你确定你MOFH有注册成功吗?
  9. i think PHP 8 isnt possible on free hosting
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