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pH7Builder CSS


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Well that small a version change shouldn't affect a softaculous install. The CSS should be working regardless. This is why I hate using autoinstallers for sites. But you did kickstart my brain here. I have a few options. My local (WAMP) install works fine so the only reason I used softaculous is because there is 1 bloody file in the package that is too large to upload. So what I think I'll do is:

  • copy the file and move it out of the current install leaving in on the server
  • delete the softaculous install
  • upload current version less the file that's too large
  • move the copied filed back into place.

The offending file is just an Geolocation db so that shouldn't affect things. That's assuming there's no fairly easy upgrade option in the package itself.

I'll check back with what I had to do to fix it. Thank you for the kickstart. 👍

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Well I guess we'll never know what worked because ftp upload is so thoroughly unreliable that it kills my connection halfway through the upload. It's just a test site so not worth the aggravation of dealing with these issues. So, so long. If they want to put so many random unannounced restrictions on their services here then I'll just move on. It's not that important to me.

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Yes to Filezilla I'm a bit old school so installers and web based file managers really aren't my thing (I really hate installers lol). After about halfway through the transfer it shuts down with a 20 second inactivity message and can't reconnect. I'm not a rage quit kind of guy so this is just an "oh well" situation. Not even sure I'm going to commit to building the site.

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The server will only disconnect if it’s not doing anything, not during a transfer (Although the file may be deleted, maybe that is the issue)? I stead of typing, I’ll just link to this article from InfinityFree. 



also, could you share the logs from FileZilla in a pastebin (Ir something similar) and link to it here?



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It's a non-issue now. After installing Wordpress to test and found it to be broken in several areas as well I have no choice but to believe this is a server issue. I used WP because I know it's issues very well. I've been working with it for about 20 years. So if I can't fix that, It's out of my control.

Every free host I've ever used has always had some goofy restriction that invalidates half the software they say can be used so this is no surprise. I should have known this would be the case when I saw the hyperphp.com forums were on byet.net. I've never had a good experience with byet.

Good luck to you and thanks for the assist attempt. I'll be closing out the account now.

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