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Everything posted by TinkerMan

  1. It’s really not a good idea, but I have to in order to display it to the user. Encrypting it is on my to-do list.
  2. I'll just share the 5 lines of code I shared with you with everyone then! (Also, the code does not even work, so...) $fields = array( 'domain_name' => $domain, 'key' => $SQLSSLInfo['private_key'] ); $fields_string = http_build_query($fields);
  3. I did, I did. And you were a huge help (Even though yours was in a different language)
  4. That’s pretty much what I’m doing
  5. I do. It’s a fairly new feature for me, and if possible, I would love to be the sole creator of it for awhile. I can give some things away though. All the code for the implementation is in PHP, noting has been modified with the vP to make this specific thing work (We all know what happens when you use frontend code, it just gets copied). PM me on discord for more
  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the hard limit is 5GB, and if it’s set over that, iFastNet still places a limit of 5GB on the account. Also, while you could set a 50GB limit (And let’s say that it is accepted and actually used), there is still the 10MB file limit, and the ~13,000 inode limit, neither of which can be changed by the reseller.
  7. The same one I’ve always used, Flarum. Nope, I don’t. Copyright notices are actually optional for creators, and since Flarum does not require anything to be placed there at all, I’m good. Nope again. “Nulled Scripts” is not actually even in iFNs terms (And if I missed it, please let me know where it is). I also don’t use iFastNet for hosting, so I don’t have to abide by their terms on my forum.
  8. Thanks for taking the time to look over it @User51! I really do appreciate it. 1. Adjusted the header image a bit 2. You are totally correct here, it annoys me as well. getting a good icon pack for the homepage is one of the things on my to-do list 3. Huh, I never noticed that. I think it's fixed now, let me know if I missed a spot. 4. The spelling of "inappropriate" was corrected. Was that it? 5. Nope, don't mind that you made that account! 6. Will look into those email templates. I have other changes to make there as well 7. Which membership page is broken? They seem to work for me... 8. WHOIS is working for me. there may just be a bug somewhere. What domain did you try? 9. For the copyright, I think its fine the way it is, but it might be beneficial to condense it. I'll think about it
  9. As long as the domain is added to your Byet account, that's perfectly fine. You will just need to point the domain using A records to the hosting server. Probably correct. Without knowing your domain name I can't make a 100% sure statement. Incorrect. If the domain is connected to a byet account, you can ping the authoritative server that iFastNet uses to get it's IP. --- Can you answer these questions: What is the domain name? Is the domain connected to a Byet account?
  10. Pinging free hosting servers does not always work. What is your domain name @Anna?
  11. The FTP server is “ftpupload.net”. If you forgot your login information, you will need to do what Burke Knight said
  12. Please contact iFastNet support at support.iFastNet.com
  13. You can use the “SPF” section in the control panel, or use Cloudflare.
  14. Do you want help, or do you want someone to do it for you? I’ll be willing to help you for free, but if you expect me to do more then just give you tips and assistance, you will have to pay. I don’t think anyone here is going to make you a front end for free.
  15. What do you mean “it does not allow you to enter”? What error do you get? What happens instead?
  16. Sorry, bad habit. I’ll try to remember in the future.
  17. When creating a new account, you are not away from the creator screen, but prompted to choose a domain. But the account is created, so it basically just shows the user a loop without confirmation that an account was actually created. Also, your emails are going to spam
  18. Just like SpookyKipper said, that’s not really possible. You have to use byet nameservers for free hosting, since client subdomains have to be created. The way to get around that is to have two domains. One for clients to create subdomains with (pointed to byet nameservers), and one for your homepage / client area, on a domain pointed to CF or a provider or your choices nameservers.
  19. Probably not, but anything’s possible. In order for you to connect the domain, the system needs to see your namservers set, so it’s reading the domain fine. The issue is when the DNS zone is created within the free hosting infrastructure, it either never happens at all, or triggers the default setup (BODIS).
  20. I don't think so, or if it was, it was properly disconnected. I did a scan of the domain and what came back is pretty common when people try to connect their custom domain to their free account. The system seems to totally ignore the fact that the domain is connected, and just forward it BODIS. I have a feeling that something is wrong/buggy with custom domain support, but it only happens around 5-10% or so of the time, and I can't seem to find a pattern.
  21. Are you using free hosting for the website? If you are (And it appears to be that way), it looks like your domain was incorrectly added to the hosting system. I recommend you get in contact with iFastNet at support.ifastnet.com.
  22. If you are in free hosting, you can use the SPF section in the control panel. Please note that CNAME verification is the recommended method for free hosting.
  23. I suppose this is what happens when you follow a legal topic on a mobile device 😂
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