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  1. is myownfreehost.net reseller account includes NS (nameservers). my reseller domain is gateegy.pp.ua do I have NS1.gateegy.pp.ua NS2.gateegy.pp.ua
  2. I registered myownfreehost reseller account with my custom domain gateegy.pp.ua i updated the NS in my registrar to ns1.byte.org, issue now however i update the NS in my registrar its still on byte.org while NSLookup, and saw in vista panel set you NS to ns1.mydoamin.com, now I need to be free to change my domain NS.
  3. FR Bonjour Vous vous poser peut être la question de quel zone client choisir pour votre hébergement revendeur mofh ? Et bien voici de quoi vous aidée : Tous d'abord, voici les différente propositions : -Xera -GenerateArea (obsolète) -Project-Logged (pas une zone client, modèle d'authentification) Project-Logged est un moyen plus simple que le moyen par défaut de gérer les utilisateurs, ce n'est pas une zone client (mais cela reste une très bonne solution pour ceux qui voudrait une solution simple)... Comme dit plus tôt, GenerateArea est obsolète, donc à ce jour, c'est Xera qui est la solution recommander, la solution comporte un ou deux bug, mais il sont facile à résoudre, vous trouverez sur se forum des sujet pour vous aider... Plusieurs projets de nouvelles zones clients sont en projet, mais juste en projet... Voila, en souhaitent que cela aide !!! ---trad google--- EN Hello You may be wondering which customer zone to choose for your mofh reseller hosting? Well here is what will help you: First of all, here are the different proposals: -Xera -GenerateArea (deprecated) -Project-Logged (not a client area, authentication model) Project-Logged is a simpler way than the default way to manage users, it is not a client area (but it is still a very good solution for those who would like a simple solution)... As said earlier, GenerateArea is obsolete, so to date, Xera is the recommended solution, the solution has one or two bugs, but they are easy to resolve, you will find topics on this forum to help you... Several projects for new customer areas are in the works, but just in planning... There you go, hope this helps !!!
  4. Hi, Anyone know how to modify the register2 page (of subdomain order.your-reseller-domaine.com) of mofh template? Thanks for your help.
  5. I'm installing MOFHY-Lite and it says to set the callback URL in the MOFH reseller panel but I am unsure how to do that, any help would be appreciated!
  6. So I finished my new MOFH reseller (https://fastfreehost.ml) and when I try to create an account (to test it) it says Sorry. We are unable to supply you with an account at this time (Ip logged as [hidden IP]). error code #934698385 What can I do to fix this? In the MOFH Admin panel, everything is set up correctly I think Also on the register page for my template (and all the templates at https://myownfreehost.net/templates.php) there is no domain chooser. I have 2 domains (freeh.gq and host11.cf) But there's no domain selector for it.... why?? And I found a modern theme on GitHub (https://github.com/MOFHDevs/mofh-material-template) and it has a free hosting tab that leads to a nonexistent file.. Please help
  7. I want to use the custom name servers of the main domain for adding other reseller domains. How can I do that? I got the IP address to point my nameservers to on the mail I got after creating the reseller account. Will this work?
  8. Hello! Is it possible to remove an old reseller domain and to move all users on the old domain to a new domain? Thanks!
  9. Does anyone know if I will lose access to the forum if I upgrade to a premium reseller account?
  10. Good day everyone here... Am looking forwards to deploy reseller site. My first question is: Are there already made app for resellers or will I have to develop my own app for reselling? My second question is: Do you use VISA credit card for transaction? Thanks in advance.
  11. 1) Security Would it be possible to add a section to the re-sellers panel etc. to allow for users to put Certificates on the FTP Server, cpanel.<domain>.<tld> and order.<domain>.<tld> as this would enhance user safety and make resellers' websites safer for users and resellers themselves. Would it be possible to also add support for RSA 4096 Certificates/Private Keys and ability to add CA Bundles; as some software/web management systems block websites with SSL Certs but no CA Bundle, possibly add safer internet features like this for 'customers' but you may not need to as, again it can be abused, but would be better for resellers, as i have resellers in for the certificates for FTP,Cpanel and Order and higher strength. 2) cPanel / VistaPanel Would we be able to change/add messages to the users cPanel? This would come in useful, for times when there maybe a Security issue/General News/Issues etc. Possibly a change of Applications? Would we be able to add new applications our self/links to other websites this could make each reseller stand out, as the only way to stand out is home-page design, Security, Packages and Logo/Name at this moment not much for the 'customer' There are people who are a reseller who have actually developed web applications that can come into alot of use. Obviously, there is issues with the ad display on the current cPanel, but has been suggested by a different user, and as far as i can see you may be using the newer style/theme of cPanel, called Paper Lantern, which looks very nice so i mean that'll be just visually better to look at and easier to navigate, Can we get more information on this? 3) New Web Builder The current web builder is quite buggy and made for older PHP/Web designs, would it be possible to get a change of web builder? or try other services like Zyro Web Builder (Which is used by 000webhost etc.) Could even have both web builders for people whom like the older designs, but the current web builder is quite buggy and not in support of newer PHP and Styles. As said above, possibly resellers could add a link to their webpage with templates for users? 4) Loosen Restrictions for Resellers/Customers When attempting to use the automatic software installer, which is mentioned alot, some applications like Wordpress may not work correctly, as when trying to install new themes etc, it is harder to do as the PHP restrictions are extremely strict and stop users from being able to install a simple site/CMS like Wordpress. I have tried this, have tried many themes and constantly get errors like '0' and my session is timed out every 5 to 10 seconds. Thanks, PixelHost https://pixelhost.cf
  12. Hi I got a question. and please note that I tried to find the answer of this question,but I could not found it..... The question is <What is the source of signup page for my customer? or How can I add customer from reseller panel? > Can someone help me? sorry for my English level. Thankyou
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