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  1. Hii. I'm looking for a free theme applicable for Xera front page. offers free webhosting services. it will be good if it a wordpress theme, because I implemeting the frontpage will be a wordpress site offers MOFH reseller services. domain gateegy.pp.ua Sincerely,
  2. Bonjour Je suggère de moderniser les styles des différents composent mofh (Vpanel, phpmyadmin, panel mofh...) Parce que le style du panneau admin mofh est trop style "Windows 7", là, ont est à Windows 11... Et il n'est même pas comme la page de connexion... Le Vpanel, J'ai lu sur le forum infinityfree que c'était en préparation (https://forum.infinityfree.net/t/jupiter-theme/84637). Phpmyadmin mérite de nouveaux thème plus modernes : voir ce sujet https://www.byet.net/index.php?/topic/68525-changé-le-thème-de-phpmyadmin-changed-the-theme-of-phpmyadmin/ Et il y à peut être d'autres choses que j'oublie... Voila 😄 . ---trad google--- Hello I suggest modernizing the styles of the different mofh components (Vpanel, phpmyadmin, mofh panel...) Because the style of the mofh admin panel is too "Windows 7" style, here we are at Windows 11... And it's not even like the login page... The Vpanel, I read on the infinityfree forum that it was in preparation (https://forum.infinityfree.net/t/jupiter-theme/84637). Phpmyadmin deserves new, more modern themes: see this topic https://www.byet.net/index.php?/topic/68525-changé-le-thème-de-phpmyadmin-changed-the-theme-of-phpmyadmin/ And there may be other things I'm forgetting... There you go 😄.
  3. Salut Je pense que ce ne serait pas une mauvaise chose que de changé le thème par défaut de phpmyadmin... Qui fini par être vieux. Un thème comme "Eyed" ou "BooDark" serait bien mieux ! Et aussi, remettre la barre de navigation de gauche... Voila. ---trad google--- Hi I think it wouldn't be a bad thing to change the default phpmyadmin theme... Which ends up being old. A theme like "Eyed" or "BooDark" would be much better! And also, put back the left navigation bar... So.
  4. Bonjour Je veux modifier le thème par défaut du VistaPanel, comment puis-je faire ? Merci ---trad google--- Good morning I want to change the VistaPanel default theme, how can I do that? THANKS
  5. How to add a best custom theme to my Reseller Website, which looks best and attracts customers...
  6. hello, here is a screenshot of my next theme for vpanel , to get your appreciation and suggestions guys
  7. hello mates i have new trick to theme your log in page here a screenshot i dont know if am allowed to put demo link https://arthealu.sirv.com/screenshot.png
  8. Recently they changed the theme cpanel to the advertised one. Okay, I found him handsome, elegant, responsive. But this bugged, does not load right the list of options (domains, database, files). I wonder if there's any way to go back to the old one?
  9. I am creating some logos for my web site hosting. I wanted to know what you think about some of these two below. A with black letters is the current one, and the one with red letters is new. My website hosting is www.billions.ga Sorry for my english I'm using a translator
  10. Hi, how I promised this topic to the community of byethost here I leave this topic so that they can customize the cpanel of their hosting resellers is the version of cpanel 62.0.8 I hope you enjoy it and if you have doubts or problems do not hesitate to ask to help them In the compressed file includes a txt of how to install it with instructions and greetings pictures and enjoy it Some captures of the theme: New update 20-02-2017: Support for multiple device and device screens has been corrected and the problem with the close session button has been corrected Link to download the update 20-02-2017: Skin - cPanel(UPDATE 20-02-2017).rar
  11. hello, mates today am sharing with you a full width panel theme screenshot which is under development. please your impressions to make better once ended i will share it freely
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