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  1. Last week
  2. You haven't setup the callback url in mofh panel
  3. I think that’s a bug. Open an issue in GitHub. I think Anyx might have a fix for it somewhere, no clue where tho (or if I’m just mistaken on that) make sure the code that accepts the callback from MOFH is right, that’s where the problem will be
  4. Just like you were told on the IF forum, it’s 5 hits a month
  5. hello, I have a question, is there any period of time I shouldn’t exceed without opening my byethost account or the WordPress account to keep them working? or I can go a year for example without opening them and they will stay working!
  6. Hi All, Im new to the xera stuff but when a client creates an account via there panel, it just stays at pending but i feel this is an error somewhere i have made , tested all the api settings but its all connected , it does created the account in my reseller panel but when they visit there domain it doesn't work or such. Any one had this issue or kindly help me sort mine
  7. Thank you very much for your valuable reply. This is a premium template that I customized to suit my needs. I appreciate your response!
  8. Super, le nouveau look est mieux; tu a tous codé ou c'est un template ? ---trad google--- Great, the new look is better; did you code them all or is it a template ?
  9. Earlier
  10. The maximum file size is 10MB. For PHP, I beleive the limit is 1MB. If your files are bigger, theyll successfully upload but get deleted automatically. If this doesnt apply, could you share a more specific error message?
  11. Support is available for free users but 24/7 support is only for premium users thanks for pointing out the question I changed the value too, have a good day!
  12. I'm using FTP uploader (xftp) to upload my php program and I'm getting blocked, I want to know what are the limitations of Ftp uploading?
  13. Are you sure you can provide 24/7 support ?
  14. ”Support” should be capitalized - done You can have unlimited websites on the free plan, you are only restricted to the number of hosting accounts. Similar on paid plans (website limitations are much higher then account limitations) - done Gigabyte should be plural (5>1) - done It’s “MySQL” - done should be “safe and secure” not “secured” - done You still don’t have a link back to iFN which is a terms violation - done “Help customer” on the about page does not make any sense. Maybe “customer support”? - done hello, thanks for the review that was very helpful appreciate that I have fixed all of the suggestions posted above.
  15. In the pricing table: ”Support” should be capitalized You can have unlimited websites on the free plan, you are only restricted to the number of hosting accounts. Similar on paid plans (website limitations are much higher then account limitations) Gigabyte should be plural (5>1) It’s “MySQL” All PHP versions are not available on premium hosting (to my knowledge at least) should be “safe and secure” not “secured” You still don’t have a link back to iFN which is a terms violation “Help customer” on the about page does not make any sense. Maybe “customer support”?
  16. Hello I have re-designed the website entirely (not the client area). https://rapidfreehost.com/ try agian in new design! thankyou guys
  17. Scrolling on the homepage does not work on mobile ”Enjoy uninterrupted service” simply not true The “read more” button does not work The orange loading dial does not fit the brand colors at all It’s really weird that half the site is written in broken English, and the other half is pretty clearly written by AI. I think you should find some middle ground here, or at least make it consistent
  18. no host on the internet can guarantees 100% uptime
  19. 1. Is working on fixing it. 2. Fixed 3. Fixed 4. that means best speed optimized for free hosting. (fixed) 5. It was 100% uptime Garentuee i changed the value (fixed) 6. It will come soon. 7. "Enjoy all the features" in the free plan is not false advertising it means the features available on the free plan not the features of premium plans I updated it for better understanding (fixed). 8. The image was for demo purpose it will be changed soon. Thanks for the reviews. I appreciate that thanks!
  20. Thanks for the review, I appreciate that I will try to update it!
  21. 1. Site loads slow 2. You spelt benefit wrong 3. You spelt completely wrong 4. What is best speed? 5. What is 100% secured? 6. Social media links don't work 7. "Enjoy all the features" in the free plan is NOT TRUE and is false advertising. 8. The images you show on the page is NOT your actual UI and is false advertising.
  22. Salut Pas trop mal, mais le style de la page d'accueil est un peut banale et ennuyeux... ---trad google--- Hi Not too bad, but the style of the home page is a bit banal and boring...
  23. Hey everyone, I'm super excited to share something I've been working on – it's called RapidFreeHost, and it's a new website hosting platform where you can host your websites for free! You can check it out at rapidfreehost.com.
  24. Not fixed 2) If I click on the “see out full privacy policy” I get redirected to the terms, not the privacy policy. Should probably be fixed. 3) You forgot to change the brand name in the terms. And you should certainly read and understand them yourself, or have a lawyer do it for you, before publishing them. 4) It’s not obvious when clicking the terms/pp button on the landing page that it’s only a summary. I would change the card header (Or just redirect the user directly to the full terms)
  25. I recommend you just make the buttons to go to the full Terms/PrivacyPolicy page, having two is confusing Most people skip pass them anyways so there is no need to simplify it
  26. I just fixed everything let me know if you notice anything else!
  27. Heya! So, everything you mentioned I am totally aware of I'm removing the mobile warning. I know 24/7 uptime is impossible to guarantee. Thank you for letting me know the buttons where too close, I thought the same thing. Thanks for looking out!
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