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Everything posted by mike

  1. Have you tried maybe, modifiying the remote access code ? ( I havent test anything related to this, so im talking from the absolute ignorance. )
  2. The owner of the website should contact the admin of the company he/she has that website hosted on, and ask to erase the account and the website. Simple.
  3. Please note that this should be on the resellers area. If you have access to the FTP, please enter htdocs directory, and find the .htaccess and modify it.
  4. Didnt this get fixed with the latest release of the theme ?
  5. @einet English: I just tried to log out of my account with the cpanel mod ( its working with the first release ), and the log out button on top refused to work, so i clicked in the one at the bottom of the page and this happened. Español: Queria salirme de mi cuenta, y el boton superior de log out no funcionaba, asi que le e dado al que esta en el fondo de la pagina, y a pasado esto. Es mas que nada curioso. NOTE: I have censored some information NOTA: E censurado alguna informacion
  6. Try talking to support at https://support.ifasnet.com
  7. Is this your main reseller domain ? If you have access to your main reseller domain VistaPanel, please login to the FTP and there you should find a folder with the name of the new domain ( 8host.cl in this case )
  8. @einet English Cant you update the post by clicking edit in what you wrotte ? Español No puedes actualizar el post dandole a editar en lo que escribiste ?
  9. English I suppose you could use the logo you like as support didnt say a thing about Vpanel logo Español Supongo que podras poner el logo que quieras porque el equipo de soporte no menciono nada de tener que poner el logo de Vpanel
  10. English I have been talking with support, and they have confirmed me that there is no problem using the original theme with its icons. The only thing that cant be used, is the cpanel logo. No need for new icons Español E hablado con los de soporte tecnico, y me han asegurado que no hay ningun problema en utilizar el theme con los iconos de Cpanel. Lo unico que no se puede usar es el logo de Cpanel. No hacen falta nuevos iconos @einet @k-lil @dog2puppy
  11. On the free hosting accounts there is a web browser verification to avoid abuse ( all this happens in the background ), this could be the reason why the site map generator doesnt work.
  12. Contact support at https://support.ifastnet.com and tell them you want to erase your account.
  13. Are you sure your website is active ? Please, if so contact support at https://support.ifastnet.com
  14. This is a internal server error. Most of the times this has happened to me has been because i had modified code inside the website, if you have done so please try reverting the changes. If this doesnt solve the problem, if available restore your backup. And if this still persist, or you dont have a backup file, contact support https://support.ifastnet.com ( You could also start the website again from cero, but i guess you will not want to do that )
  15. English As of right now i dont have time, but i might start working on more colorful icons next week Español Ahora no tengo tiempo pero igual la semana que viene empiezo a diseñar unos iconos mas coloridos.
  16. English: So, in the end, can we use the CPanel icons, or do we need to change them ? Español: Entonces, alfinal tenemos que cambiar los iconos o no ?
  17. Now you made me ansious haha
  18. English: If this happens, we could try to make similar icons to the ones in cpanel. Español: Si pasa eso, podriamos simplemente hacer una imitacion de los de cpanel
  19. English: Nice to know Español : Vale, gracias
  20. @einet is there any diference between theme en español, ans theme in english ( apart from the readme.txt ) You have created a great theme by the way. ( si quieres te respondo en español la proxima vez )
  21. I think that even if the panels of the resellers are " customized " the access to accounts is universal. I will check it now. I have check it and the access is universal but the settings of how you see the panel are attached to the reseller you registered the account with.
  22. I assume you will have to upload the files of the .zip to your server, and then change the links to the images ( the links wich are inside the .css file ) to the directory inside your server.
  23. Does the " Do you need help " window repeat itself four times, or is it just a thing of the image you have posted ?
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