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  1. I was testing a different control panel so I wouldn't have to use the command line all the time. I'll fix it in a bit.
  2. The site is going to be down for a little bit for some maintenance. User data may be wiped, but this really won't effect anything because all the hosting accounts just lead to the default page, meaning no one really uses it, lol.
  3. I've updated the site and it now has recaptcha and a new way to change your password.
  4. Oh, that! I forgot to change that. It doesn't really matter much because this project probably isn't going to go anywhere. I might change it later today though.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. The captcha thing is there from development and I forgot to remove it. I’m not sure what you mean by changing the default indexes. Do you mean the homepage?
  6. This is a short little story about my journey through the making of my client area. About Me I'm almost 14 years old and I've been programming since 4th grade. This is one of my first fully completed projects that I got to a usable point. Special Thanks I just want to say thanks to @InfinityFree! You inspired me to create my own client area for fun when I saw yours and you've provided a free API client even when you cloud've kept it to yourself and sold licenses to profit from it. That's something most people probably wouldn't do. My Journey I started with a basic Laravel app and setup my different models and other various components. I got it to a point where basically everything except the MyOwnFreeHost part were there and working. Here is where confusion began. I started with using model observers and just using an observer when a new hosting account was created and then after that I handled creation of the actual hosting account. This lead to some pretty weird bugs. The first issue I noticed was that for some reason the observer got called about 10 to 15 times before it stopped. This lead to there somehow being multiple accounts assigned the same domain name on MyOwnFreeHost, which was pretty confusing. To solve this, I decided to switch to handling account creation entirely in the controller. This also came with the benefit of easier error handling. Overall, there were few issues along the way. I've now got a functional hosting site, although it is the bare bones. I still need to add more stuff to handle suspensions better and also stuff like password changing, but it works! I hope this story was somewhat useful for people new to MOFH, or at the very least, entertaining. I don’t expect this project to go anywhere. It was more of something just for fun and a way to learn about Laravel.
  7. Does premium support C++? Wouldn't they need a VPS?
  8. I thought this was left over from when MyOwnFreeHost had a paid plan??
  9. On domains that aren’t active a parking page is shown. After you add your domain it can take 72 hours for the DNS stuff
  10. @Admin@Administrator MyOwnFreeHost and free hosting are down, including cPanel and MyOwnFreeHost panel.
  11. Go to https://panel.myownfreehost.net and you should be able to sign in there with your details.
  12. I was able to get the issue resolved through support. I just have to login as [email protected] instead of [email protected] no idea if this impacts anything else
  13. Did you use a email address with a + in it? I did that once and it broke the emailer and I had to contact support.
  14. Seems to be happening for only me. I have tried logging into my account on other vPanels that are on a different domain.
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