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Everything posted by TinkerMan

  1. Yeah, I do. But the drive I use for the backup is full, and I’m too lazy get another one out of storsge.
  2. SHA is not designed to encrypt passwords, you should use ByCrypt or that other algorithm that starts with an a but I forget it’s name.
  3. Yeah. Using the Adverts section in the MOFH panel, add in some JS that basically does this: If users is on the domains page Then remove the instance of <select> (I think that is the element, could be wrong) that contains <domain name>
  4. Not really, but you can remove the domain from the control panels drop-down using JavaScript.
  5. Sorry, but my recent buy of a 1TB on board storage wins. Add that to a pair of 5TB drives, I can store anything! So do I And sorry @Anyx, but I have now told the forum I no longer want to see your signature, it is much too long!
  6. Yes, I think that function is disabled. check with support.iFastNet.com though.
  7. Notifications sounds nice @Aqib! Can you add some screenshots to the GitHub to show it off?
  8. Just off the top of my head, that does not sound right. Should be 25 or 5-something-something Could be wrong though, but make sure you have everything correct as provided by your SMTP provider.
  9. There have been some issues with softaculous on certain free hosting IPs, hopefully iFastNet gets this sorted soon.
  10. Only PHP version 7.4.8 is currently supported, so the PHP selector was removed from the control panel. No resellers have it enabled. You may need to clear your cache to see that change on the IF VP
  11. I think it’s something like 60-90 days depending on location and legal location.
  12. If that was drawn with a trackpad, props to you! It looks really weird that the left 4 are black, and the right 2 are white.
  13. The username is set on account creation, you can’t change it. Besides, you are the only one who sees it, your website visitors never will.
  14. Um, sorry to say that I would take one look at your homepage, leave, and never come back. Myself, like a majority of internet traffic these days, will make first contact with your site via mobile device (I do basic product research on mobile, as mobile browsing will tell me a lot more about the site then desktop browsing will. You site is not mobile friendly. You need to design mobile first, not mobile-afterthought. A few things I have noticed: - You are calling yourself “Flake! Hosting”, but your domain is for “snow-web”, so that is not the best from a search engine perspective. - The header navigation needs to be a dropdown - The CTA button is half-missing, and you have to horizontal scroll - Some sort of valid email notice is making a mess of the header. Also, too many commas in the part I can read. It sounds like you don’t want people to use invalid emails, but you don’t care. That’s not good. Either say “NO, don’t use valid emails”, or say nothing at all. Don’t say “eh, you can use whatever email you want. We want you to use a valid one, but we don’t really care”. - Your intro text is getting cut off, and it desperately needs padding -In the next section, your white icons on blue are incredibly tiny, I thought they were malformed bullet points. Either make ‘em bigger or remove them on mobile. - It’s “load balancing”, not “Balancing”. - Way too many commas in the “Limited Ads” section. Also, it should be called “No Ads”, not “Limited Ads”. - Replace “and etc.” with “etc.” (This occurs at least twice) - It’s “Cron Jobs”, not “CRON” - The “What do we actually provide” text is on top of other text - With the grey-backed text, that shape is odd, and does not cover the entire text. Also, you don’t provide premium hosting, iFastNet does, so that is misleading. - It’s 2nd level domain, not 2 level domain. And I think you provide subdomains (hello.example.com), not 2nd level domains (example.com). - Don’t advertise incredibly small numbers. Just don’t. - You footer needs padding. Your footer links need padding. - The “other” link should be at the end, not stuck in the middle. And “other” what? Other legal stuff? Other resources? Other products? You footer is not organized. And what is “Mastodon”? I did not create an account since it looks like you are just using Xera, but the image on the login screen is missing, unless you intended it to be a question mark (If you did intend that, change it). Also, you seem to not have a favicon…
  15. Note that you can always do print_r($_POST); to see what the data contains. Store the result in the DB so you can study it. Or, just use the documentation to get it right the first time
  16. The callback URL POSTs information to your client area when the API is used. For example, it will let you know when an account is suspended.
  17. please contact host buddy for support, you are not hosting your domain with iFastNet services.
  18. InfinityFree does not have an Xera panel, I assume you mean the Client Area. You only add domains via the Client Area for new accounts. When adding your domain to an existing account, you need to use the control panel.
  19. That domain is already connected to the network, I think it’s one of the default subdomains iFastNet provides. You have to use your own custom domain.
  20. There should be an “Extensuons” option or something in the Admin panel…
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