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MOFH Client Set up

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31 minutes ago, Aqib said:

@PlanetCloud is creating a project logged which will be a client area i think.

Hi @Aqib, Project LOGGED will NOT be a client area but just a login, signup and reset password template.

58 minutes ago, sajidkhanrock said:

Can Any Make mofh client for me or any have like infinityfree

For you? Why should we? A client area is complicated to develop. It may look simple but when you look a bit closer, it's more complicated than you think.

You can actually make your own client area and I belive by following these tutorial, you can create your own client area.

For the front-end :

HTML & CSS (Required) :

Javascript (Optional) :

Javascript Angular Framework (Optional) :

For the backend :

PHP (Required) :

Object-Oriented PHP (Required) :

Design Patterns (Recomended) : https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHWL_enID774ID774&ei=YB6JW4m8FdPLrQHfs5ewDw&q=software+design+patterns&oq=softwadesign+patterns&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i7i30k1l10.3512.5376.0.6060.

Of course you may do a Google Search for more details on a specific topics.
I've watched everything in the playlists above (Excepct Angular JS Crash Course and Javascript because I've learned it elsewhere) and I think it's a good way to start.


Also this topic should not be called "MOFH Client Setup" as the content/question is irrelevant.

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10 hours ago, sajidkhanrock said:

When I try To create Account with example code it shows error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'HansAdema\MofhClient\Client' not found in E:\Sajd\xammp\htdocs\host\index.php:10 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in E:\Sajd\xammp\htdocs\host\index.php on line 10 

The error is very clear and you should  be able to fix it if you watched my recomended videos above

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On 8/31/2018 at 6:57 PM, PlanetCloud said:

Hi @Aqib, Project LOGGED will NOT be a client area but just a login, signup and reset password template.

For you? Why should we? A client area is complicated to develop. It may look simple but when you look a bit closer, it's more complicated than you think.

You can actually make your own client area and I belive by following these tutorial, you can create your own client area.

For the front-end :

HTML & CSS (Required) :

Javascript (Optional) :

Javascript Angular Framework (Optional) :

For the backend :

PHP (Required) :

Object-Oriented PHP (Required) :

Design Patterns (Recomended) : https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHWL_enID774ID774&ei=YB6JW4m8FdPLrQHfs5ewDw&q=software+design+patterns&oq=softwadesign+patterns&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i7i30k1l10.3512.5376.0.6060.

Of course you may do a Google Search for more details on a specific topics.
I've watched everything in the playlists above (Excepct Angular JS Crash Course and Javascript because I've learned it elsewhere) and I think it's a good way to start.


Also this topic should not be called "MOFH Client Setup" as the content/question is irrelevant.

Thanks @PlanetCloud


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On 31/8/2018 at 10:54 AM, sajidkhanrock said:

When I try To create Account with example code it shows error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'HansAdema\MofhClient\Client' not found in E:\Sajd\xammp\htdocs\host\index.php:10 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in E:\Sajd\xammp\htdocs\host\index.php on line 10 

Remember that you must add your ip address to your reseller account from where you will be executing the script accounts with 5 available functions in this script
1. domain verification.
2. hosting account creation.
3. account suspension
4. Update or change password
5. Reactivation of account disabled by the same user

you must take into account that for the creation of account in the name of being maximum 8 characters you can create or use a random name generator for this.

The functions are marked with 2 // as an example of how it is used to call it from the script, I remind you to work a little to get what you want. I would like to help but I do not have much time available. the script or library and I have sent it to your email regards

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3 hours ago, sajidkhanrock said:

@einet when I upload Script "mofh complete" then it shows error 500 what to do Capture.jpg

I will quote @einet's reply here:

On 4/9/2018 at 7:21 AM, einet said:

Remember that you must add your ip address to your reseller account from where you will be executing the script accounts with 5 available functions in this script
1. domain verification.
2. hosting account creation.
3. account suspension
4. Update or change password
5. Reactivation of account disabled by the same user

you must take into account that for the creation of account in the name of being maximum 8 characters you can create or use a random name generator for this.

The functions are marked with 2 // as an example of how it is used to call it from the script, I remind you to work a little to get what you want. I would like to help but I do not have much time available. the script or library and I have sent it to your email regards

Did you follow these instructions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will have to make a video of how to put the script to work (FOR TESTS) so you can execute the orders in a simpler way the problem will be to upload the video since my internet is a bit slower, and make official the use of mofh for developers so I can give you the idea (I'll try)

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21 hours ago, einet said:

I will have to make a video of how to put the script to work (FOR TESTS) so you can execute the orders in a simpler way the problem will be to upload the video since my internet is a bit slower, and make official the use of mofh for developers so I can give you the idea (I'll try)

No need to!

All you have to learn is just PHP and Object Oriented Programming and you are all set!
The documentation here https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/blob/master/README.md is enough and more methods can be founded on https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/tree/master/src/Message.

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8 hours ago, PlanetCloud said:

No need to!

All you have to learn is just PHP and Object Oriented Programming and you are all set!
The documentation here https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/blob/master/README.md is enough and more methods can be founded on https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/tree/master/src/Message.

Why not?

We don't have all the time to learn OO-PHP, so this video could help us and even new potential MOFH users.

BTW @einet is your complete version same as the July update of Hans?

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14 hours ago, PCTipsGR said:

Why not?

We don't have all the time to learn OO-PHP, so this video could help us and even new potential MOFH users.

BTW @einet is your complete version same as the July update of Hans?

Dude... even with tutorial video's, it's almost not practical if you don't learn OOP because when you got stuck to an error, what are you going to do?
Just Google it? And hope that you could easily copy and paste the answer?

Are this https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client not clear enough?
Literary type this :

use \HansAdema\MofhClient\Client;

// Create a new API client with your API credentials.
$client = Client::create([
    'apiUsername' => 'your_api_username',
    'apiPassword' => 'your_api_password',
    'plan' => 'my_plan', // Optional, you can define it here or define it with the createAccount call.

// Create a request object to create the request.
$request = $client->createAccount([
    'username' => 'abcdefgh', // A unique, 8 character identifier of the account.
    'password' => 'password123', // A password to login to the control panel, FTP and databases.
    'domain' => 'userdomain.example.com', // Can be a subdomain or a custom domain.
    'email' => '[email protected]', // The email address of the user.
    'plan' => 'my_plan', // Optional, you can submit a hosting plan here or with the Client instantiation.

// Send the API request and keep the response.
$response = $request->send();

// Check whether the request was successful.
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
   echo 'You can login as: ' . $response->getVpUsername();
} else {
   echo 'Failed to create account: ' . $response->getMessage();

And you had successfully created an account (Without email verification)!

At one point, project LOGGED uses this API system but because it lacks email verification and Byet's mail() is limited, it was scrapped.

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