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Everything posted by PlanetCloud

  1. @Jeyneko Try joining the Unofficial Discord Server https://discord.gg/FZAMaj. We have some members from the forum there and we talk everyday things/ask for help.
  2. A huge improvements has been done to this project and here's the sneak peek for the new Login page : Validation for username/password before redirecting user to cPanel. Useful if you had a beautiful login page and wanted to display a custom error message.
  3. Yes.... the bone for any websites is HTML so you MUST use HTML. If a HTML file gets a PHP script on it, it will be outputed as is without getting parsed and also as mentioned by @Logan L Johnson here : if the code was injected to let's say a PHP file and there are multiple PHP files included/required by an Autoloader/Loader, it will cause multiple output of your ad code and if it was added to PHP files that does not have a close tag (Which is possible), it will cause E_EXCEPTION/T_STRING error. I highly recommend if you wanted to place the credit, ask the website owner either thru email or setup a page that says "Help us grow by putting our credits in your Footer!" or something like that or you could manually log into their cPanel and change the code. EDIT Remember Wix? A free website builder that let's you built beautiful sites in minutes with their ADI. But the problem is that they put a forced ads and user's did try to remove them. The point is, user's (if forced) will try and remove your's to or they could easily switch host's.
  4. Hi @Mauwiks, What you're doing there is called "Forced-Ads" and most people hate it. I highly suggest that you tell the user before signup that there are forced ads as the aftermath can be distasterous.
  5. @jesuscaidocr try checking your files, maybe there's a conflict on the script. Try removing it and reinstall it.
  6. Do you know that you CAN customize the login page with your own HTML/CSS? Check out Project LOGGED : For more information, go to Reseller Panel > Customization > Remote Login.
  7. @sajidkhanrock, this is what you wanted. Also @einet, thank you for sharing this. For those who are interested in this, just so you know, the composer has been runned on this code so you don't need composer anymore but you could not run updates easily w/o composer. Remember to whitelist your server ip by going to Reseller Panel > WHM API > Whitelisted Server. I think even with this, ppl are still going to ask how to built a client area or client area templete
  8. Halo @faqihsoftware, Mohon gunakan bahasa Ingriss di forum ini. Hosting ini gratis dan sudah berjalan lebih dari 6 tahun dan domain tergantung provider Anda. Terima kasih. - - - Hello @faqihsoftware, Please use English in this forum. The free hosting system has been running for more than 6 years now and the domain is upto your provider. Thank you.
  9. Dude... even with tutorial video's, it's almost not practical if you don't learn OOP because when you got stuck to an error, what are you going to do? Just Google it? And hope that you could easily copy and paste the answer? Are this https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client not clear enough? Literary type this : use \HansAdema\MofhClient\Client; // Create a new API client with your API credentials. $client = Client::create([ 'apiUsername' => 'your_api_username', 'apiPassword' => 'your_api_password', 'plan' => 'my_plan', // Optional, you can define it here or define it with the createAccount call. ]); // Create a request object to create the request. $request = $client->createAccount([ 'username' => 'abcdefgh', // A unique, 8 character identifier of the account. 'password' => 'password123', // A password to login to the control panel, FTP and databases. 'domain' => 'userdomain.example.com', // Can be a subdomain or a custom domain. 'email' => '[email protected]', // The email address of the user. 'plan' => 'my_plan', // Optional, you can submit a hosting plan here or with the Client instantiation. ]); // Send the API request and keep the response. $response = $request->send(); // Check whether the request was successful. if ($response->isSuccessful()) { echo 'You can login as: ' . $response->getVpUsername(); } else { echo 'Failed to create account: ' . $response->getMessage(); } And you had successfully created an account (Without email verification)! At one point, project LOGGED uses this API system but because it lacks email verification and Byet's mail() is limited, it was scrapped.
  10. No need to! All you have to learn is just PHP and Object Oriented Programming and you are all set! The documentation here https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/blob/master/README.md is enough and more methods can be founded on https://github.com/HansAdema/mofh-client/tree/master/src/Message.
  11. Actually @InfinityFree's Script is easy to use (After knowing OOP).... But the way you engineer it will be the diffrence!. Like : To create account, use this code A, To suspend account, use this code B, To unsuspend account, use this code C, Etc... BUT, how you built the system that protects the data and database, how you engineer your own admin panel, how you engineer the suspension system and many more is the real challange, not "How to install composer" or "How to use this without composer". Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
  13. We may have the same API, but we don't have the same engineering skills Also @PCTipsGR since this was built by InfinityFree for InfinityFree, I don't expect any cool or complete control panel. I bet most of the time, changes needs to be done at the source level. But with that said, I think it would be nice if you could share a diagram of how the suspension system works because the WHM API message tends to be messy. Either a diagram or infographics like : If WHM API responded X, check if Y or Z and do N. OR Get WHM Response, first switch X then check Y then do Z.
  14. Some people think this way while others not. As what InfinityFree was saying, he did not plan to sell his Client Area and therefore no need to create those package. I believe the client area is a bit advanced and how it was engineered was great. And I do believe that this client area took months to built and lots of data to built it this complete.
  15. @Mauwiks and @Arcenas090. I believe you have to offer him a lot more than just $250 (USD). He is making lot's of money (Atleast with my calculations) than that per month and why would he sell it to you at that price if he could make more? *Assuming you will also take away his customers or something simmilar. Also by selling it, he also has the risk of : You could resell the client area. You could gave the client area to someone else. Opened how IF Client Area was engineered and might can be exploited. So you should offer something that he couldn't make in a month or year and it should be considered "Good".
  16. Agreed with @Arcenas090. Use YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/) or Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/) or any other Video Hosting Website's for your video file's and embed them to your site hosted here. Do note that YouTube can takedown your channel if you upload copyrighted materials.
  17. Google will automatically index your site. To get your site on top of the list, please learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Submitting your site to Google for faster indexing is possible but the only way to get it on top is either SEO or Google AdWords.
  18. If your reason is justified, the staff might unsuspend your site. If your reason is not justified but the damage is minimal, the staff may consider giving you a warning and you must remove/change some content.
  19. @1442810249, The code is very versatile and can be inserted into any JavaScript (.js) file...
  20. Hi there, Just enable Show Error and you should be able to see the problem and hopefully fix.
  21. THIS THREAD IS FROM December 2017!!! Also please take a look at this :
  22. @PCTipsGR this thread was created back in December 2017... and I belive He/She is no longer active.
  23. The error is very clear and you should be able to fix it if you watched my recomended videos above
  24. Hi @Aqib, Project LOGGED will NOT be a client area but just a login, signup and reset password template. For you? Why should we? A client area is complicated to develop. It may look simple but when you look a bit closer, it's more complicated than you think. You can actually make your own client area and I belive by following these tutorial, you can create your own client area. For the front-end : HTML & CSS (Required) : Javascript (Optional) : Javascript Angular Framework (Optional) : For the backend : PHP (Required) : Object-Oriented PHP (Required) : Design Patterns (Recomended) : https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHWL_enID774ID774&ei=YB6JW4m8FdPLrQHfs5ewDw&q=software+design+patterns&oq=softwadesign+patterns&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i7i30k1l10.3512.5376.0.6060. Of course you may do a Google Search for more details on a specific topics. I've watched everything in the playlists above (Excepct Angular JS Crash Course and Javascript because I've learned it elsewhere) and I think it's a good way to start. Also this topic should not be called "MOFH Client Setup" as the content/question is irrelevant.
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