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  1. I remember 0lx.net was the subdomain they gave myownfreehost resellers when signing up for the free plan back around 2007. As for the issue at hand, I may be mistaken here, but I believe 0lx.net was for myownfreehost only and maybe still is, account sign ups used a subdomain of your subdomain "client.you.0lx.net", this is just my assumption however.
  2. This is interesting, I'll definitely have to dive into this problem more and see what causes this to happen when I have the time. If I come up with a solution to negate a time delay I'll be sure to provide it here.
  3. I've done very limited work within the VistaPanel so I'm making some guesses here. Looks like the code I modified works in Chrome without issue, however to get it to act appropriately in FireFox I had to make sure the code was in the "bottom advert" portion.
  4. The site builder element is rendered after the page is loaded from the PAGE.appGroups array. This means that you can not modify any element until after the page has been completely loaded since it simply doesn't exist yet. This is why your delay works. My suggested method to have scripts run as expected is to run them after the page has been loaded. Below is an example. function spro() { document.getElementsByTagName("footer")[0].innerHTML += ` <div class="modal fade" id="sb" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Entering SiteBuilder (Site.Pro</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Recommened:</span> Upgrade to Premium Hosting for more features,more faster! </div> <form method="POST" action="https://buildall.onrender.com/main"> <label for="ftp_user">FTP Username:</label><br> <input class="form-control" type="text" id="ftp_user" name="ftp_user" ><br> <label for="ftp_password">FTP Password:</label><br> <input class="form-control" type="text" id="ftp_password" name="ftp_password" ><br><br> <label for="domain">Domain Name:</label><br> <input class="form-control" type="text" id="domain" name="domain"><br> <label for="ftp_host">FTP Host:</label><br> <input class="form-control" type="text" id="ftp_host" name="ftp_host" ><br><br> <label for="builder_upload">Domain Directroy (Example: subdomain.web.net/htdocs/):</label><br> <input class="form-control" type="text" id="builder_upload" name="builder_upload" ><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Go!" class="btn btn-primary"> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> ` var a = document.getElementById("icon-sitereptile") a.setAttribute("data-toggle", "modal"); a.setAttribute("data-target", "#sb"); a.setAttribute("href", "#sb"); var b = document.getElementById("item_sitereptile") b.setAttribute("data-toggle", "modal"); b.setAttribute("data-target", "#sb"); b.setAttribute("href", "#sb"); b.setAttribute("ng-href","#sb"); } window.addEventListener("load", function() { spro(); }); I simply wrapped the entire code within a function, then called that function with an event listener that looks for the page to be fully loaded.
  5. Where you placed the styling on your <form> tag shows style="style=" display:flex; justify-content:center;"" It should be style="display:flex; justify-content:center;"
  6. I'd make this suggestion.. Give your div with ID="why" position: relative; replacing it's current position: absolute. There are more elegant ways of centering your form than what I'll suggest here, but to get this done just add this to your <form> tag style="display:flex; justify-content:center;" This will give you your desired results.
  7. This is JavaScript. You need to place this code between <script> tags. Example: <script> //JavaScript code here. </script>
  8. I went a bit over board in that. The idea remains relatively the same just minus the multi step form.
  9. Setting this up would be relatively simple, but to implement properly may be more challenging. Assuming you're using the default signup form, you may find it easier to create this using a multi-step process. One where your first step is to enter your email then the user submits this and you can check it against your own list of 'bad' email domains, if they check out proceed to take them to the remainder of the sign up form. The reason for a multi step process is to properly send the captcha back to iFastnet for registration. One glaring issue is the ease that the user can modify the form data before submitting after you've processed your checks. We can ignore this, as it is not typical for bots or random fly by users. However, as you learn and get familiar with PHP etc. this should be resolved. To break this down a bit, you would have step 1 be an input textbox asking for the users email address, the user would submit this and on the following page you can use PHP to check their email domain against a list of 'bad' email domains. A quick example script for this would be: $e = $_POST['email']; if ($e) { $e = explode('@', $e); $blacklist = array('wzcmail.com', 'temp-mail.org', 'otherbademail.com'); if (in_array($e['1'], $blacklist)) { die('Error.'); //Don't display the remainder of the form, ask the user to use a real email address. } else { echo 'Good to go.'; //Continue the page asking for remaining information. } } If the email domain is in your blacklist the script would prevent them from seeing the remainder of the form blocking their registration. If their email domain is not on your blacklist they would continue to sign up properly. You would then store the email in a hidden input box with the remainder of the form. The basic components you'd need to learn and understand in PHP for this script are: IF statements explode() Arrays in_array() You can find more on these from sites such as w3schools.com. I hope this helps you understand what you'll need learn to set this up on your site, creating your own solutions to problems is the best way to begin learning.
  10. Your solution will work, however, here's another solution that will modify the actual array as well as allow you to modify search text etc. <script> function fr(k, u, d, a) { for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) { for (var x=0; x < a[i].items.length; x++) { if (a[i].items[x].feature === k) { if (d === 'url') a[i].items[x].url = u; if (d === 'itemdesc') a[i].items[x].itemdesc = u; if (d === 'searchtext') a[i].items[x].searchtext = u; } } } } fr('sitereptile', 'https://google.com', 'url', PAGE.appGroups); fr('sitereptile', 'My Builder', 'itemdesc', PAGE.appGroups); fr('sitereptile', 'build', 'searchtext', PAGE.appGroups); </script> This will change the SiteBuilder URL to "https://google.com", the text to "My Builder" and the search text to "build". I did a quick test and it worked fine.
  11. Your browser should not be cacheing an entire HTML file. When you revisit a site, your browser receives the HTML file from the server everytime. The browser checks to see what assets that HTML file links to and whether it has them cached or not. Having your browser cache an HTML file would be considered bad practice and thus is not a default action.
  12. You can manually append a version number (if you will) to your CSS url that will cause the browser to update it as if it was a new file. Just add ?v=X.XX after style.css (see examples below) to force this behavior. So for each update to your css file change the version number in your main HTML file, this will cause every users browser to recache the css file. Example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=1.0"> Upon update: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=1.1">
  13. When you visit a website your browser will cache certain files (in this case your CSS file) to limit bandwidth usage on both the user and server ends. When you've made changes to a cached file, use CTR + F5 to ignore your browsers cache and reload all content from the server.
  14. <script> remove = ["sitereptile"]; function find(k, a) { for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) { for (var x=0; x < a[i].items.length; x++) { if (a[i].items[x].feature === k) { a[i].items[x] = undefined; if (a[i].items[x] === undefined) { a[i].items.splice(x, 1); } } } } } function remail(l) { for (var e=0; e < l.length; e++) { if (l[e].desc === 'Email') { l[e] = undefined; if (l[e] === undefined) { l.splice(e, 1); } } } } remove.forEach(item => find(item, PAGE.appGroups)); remail(PAGE.appGroups); </script> I think I understand what's needed here, this code should provide the desired functions. You can add the feature name in the "remove" array to remove any other individual icons. The second function "remail()" removes the entire email portion. This is tested to work.
  15. CSS would be the preferred method, not sure why a JS solution was being sought after. I'll leave a CSS solution here for whomever wants it. <style> #item_sitereptile, #icon-sitereptile, #email-group, #soft_div-group, #email-drop-area { display: none; } </style>
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