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Found 8 results

  1. For those who don't know what MOFH Discord.js Bot is, it is a discord bot which helps the user to create an account, get users domains, get availability of the domain, reset a users password, suspend a users account, unsuspend a users account. It is coded in JavaScript and you can easily customize it yourself! Requirements: Node.js V12 Or Above, A Discord Bot and server to host it. GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Lebyy/mofh-discord-bot (make sure to give the repo a start hehe) Setup Instructions: https://github.com/Lebyy/mofh-discord-bot/wiki/Setup-Instructions Public Hosted Bot - https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=766964107945181194&permissions=8&scope=bot IP - How to setup username and key? You can run !setusername [yourusername] and !setkey [yourmofhapipassword] Here are some screenshot of the bot's commands: Check it out yourself now!
  2. Hi there! I noticed many security flaws in MOFHY Lite so I decided to make a library to ensure security and good experience for your clients. We are planning to implement MOARC. It is a simple and easy to use php class which allows you to create, update, delete web hosting and SSL accounts(including Let's Encrypt SSL). A simple client management version is uploaded on our github repository you can find it on https://github.com/NXTS-Developers/MOARC/ Currently a limited features are available due to some issues. The repository will receive updates regularly. Hope you will like it.
  3. Hi, I've created a new library to handle Callbacks from MOFH Api. Here's the link: https://github.com/PlanetTheCloud/mofh-callback-client If there are callbacks that are missed, please let me know. Thank you.
  4. We all know that iFastNet provides some of the best free hosting with MOFH, especially after the recent upgrade of server power and allotted resources. I would like to start a discussion of two different things. 1) What should every free hosting provider using the MOFH platform have in order to bring new visitors, and retain existing ones? This could include things like a site builder, that are not directly connected to MOFH, but are still possible. 2) What features should be (realistically) added to MOFH for resellers to take advantage of? Obviously, things like free auto-installed SSL and higher storage cannot be added since people still need a reason to upgrade. What do you think? I’ll share my own lists once I get onto a device with an actually physical keyboard
  5. Here's a script that avoids having error messages (like Array for example) on WHMCS and having to do a very thorough configuration to use it. It's 100% compatible with WHMCS and it's very easy to install and configure. GitHub Repository: https://github.com/MS-DOS2/mofh-server-module Don't hesitate to tell me what you think!
  6. How do I can install mofh client API on my website so there is any way to install without learning PHP
  7. Hii Everyone, I have a good news i know how to link mofh with whmcs with auto-login. I gonna share that but Only at $1 per user because i wested my many times with this....... Any one wants this then mail me personally sspradhan25[at]hotmail.com after paymet i will do it for you...... so don't weast your time anywhere else it just for $1 for wapsite. No bargaining please....... Thank you... S.S.PRADHAN
  8. Hyy I am subhendu i just wants to integrate auto login system in my WHMCS by using MOFH CLIENT API ....... So anyone done this please reply me or mail me Sspradhan25[at]hotmail.com
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