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MOFH Discord.js Bot - Free Discord Bot to manage various actions for your host


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For those who don't know what MOFH Discord.js Bot is, it is a discord bot which helps the user to create an account, get users domains, get availability of the domain, reset a users password, suspend a users account, unsuspend a users account.

It is coded in JavaScript and you can easily customize it yourself!

Requirements: Node.js V12 Or Above, A Discord Bot and server to host it.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Lebyy/mofh-discord-bot (make sure to give the repo a start hehe)
Setup Instructions: https://github.com/Lebyy/mofh-discord-bot/wiki/Setup-Instructions

Public Hosted Bot - https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=766964107945181194&permissions=8&scope=bot
IP -
How to setup username and key? You can run

!setusername [yourusername] and !setkey [yourmofhapipassword]


Here are some screenshot of the bot's commands:



Check it out yourself now!

Edited by Lebyy
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The data is stored on my server and it's all secure since my database writes all data in special and encrypted manner.

I am using quick.db to store it which is basically better-sqlite3

No data can be accessed by any other individual, I can assure the username and key safety.

(Only for the public bot)

Edited by Lebyy
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Just now, 360 said:

Since it's open-source that could be checked, I suppose, but the available bot may still be untrustable.

I can take it down no problems with that, I just wanna keep it there for those who can't host it or are not well equipped with tools required.

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Just now, 360 said:

It's okay, no worries, you do as you wish.

I totally understand your concern and I am always looking to secure the data as much as possible and make it so any other individual or me cannot access it and I promise I never will look at the data or modify it.

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  • Chronos featured and pinned this topic
16 minutes ago, 360 said:

Since this seems to be an active project that may bring interest to some of our users, I will be featuring and pinning it. Thank you for contributing!

Thank you so much!

I appreciate it alot!

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Yep, this package won't work directly if you run it on php.

The main motto of it is to make it work under the applications which fall under the node environment, if you want to use it on a website you can go for a next.js (or any other SSR compatible package) where you can use SSR to do the stuff in background making a request to your webserver or go the classical express way.

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