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Everything posted by TinkerMan

  1. I mean that’s kind of for you to find. You won’t be able to just copy the code either, your going to have to change it to work with your platform (No, we are not going to give you step by step help for free here). You’ll find the files in the functions folder (Honestly, that may be the wrong name. Just look around, it can’t be that hard to find), with names that include the letters “SSL”
  2. It quite literally says at the bottom of every page. "Powered by Invision Community"
  3. Please extract the files on your PC, then upload the resulting files. Any files over 10MB are auto-deleted.
  4. This NOT: That may just be because GenerateArea is broken
  5. Hello You can delete that file, or just replace it with your own index.html file
  6. Also, why did you open a duplicate topic? Can @Dimitris or @Chronos merge these? https://www.byet.net/index.php?/topic/63488-can-anybody-help-me-add-ssl-generator-in-mofh-reseller/#comment-101466
  7. You can grab the files from Xera and make them work with your own system, you can read the API docs of the SSL provider you want to use to create your own, or you could offer a monitory insentive to people on the forum to see if someone will do it for you.
  8. Please contact support (support.iFastNet.com) and be sure to provide more information. Nobody can help you if all you say is “it does not work”
  9. Hello you need to set the namservers with your domain registrar. DNS NS records are different from namserver records. Please contact support.iFastNet.com for assistance.
  10. Yes. If you use htaccess, you still get hits on your website as the orgin server is getting called.
  11. I would change the entire page. So it shows one thing if you are logged out (Saying that you need to create a server to upgrade it -create a server here!-) and anouther when you are logged in.
  12. Was really talking about the fact that it just seems squashed, but ok. Well that is defiantly not clear. And don't you want people to buy from you? So why restrict it?
  13. 1) Menu is a bit weird on mobile, but it stills works 2) The “Buy Premium” page is broken
  14. Quite honestly, I have had almost no time to myself since you posted this, and I won’t have access to a PC for a few more days at that. It’s an awesome project, don’t get me wrong, I’ve just never had the chance to really loook at it yet (Looking at code on GitHub Mobile sucks)
  15. Please contact support.iFastNet.com
  16. Due to attacks in the platform, the filemanager domain was migrated to Cloudflare. So the tip regarding CNAME is no longer valid.
  17. Yeah, but do you really want to tech users how to do that, when it may just lead to more issues later? Agree. Don’t use the logos of other companies without permission, especially if they don’t even know you exsist. That’s like extrema false advertising
  18. Due note that free hosting has a limitation that says crawlers have to have cookies and JavaScript enabled in order to visit a website. So file validation most likely won’t work as the check for the file will never succeed.
  19. *Ahem* You forgot TinkerHost - I would also suggest ZeroSSL as a provider to add, and LetsEncrypt if possible.
  20. It’s really not a good idea, but I have to in order to display it to the user. Encrypting it is on my to-do list.
  21. I'll just share the 5 lines of code I shared with you with everyone then! (Also, the code does not even work, so...) $fields = array( 'domain_name' => $domain, 'key' => $SQLSSLInfo['private_key'] ); $fields_string = http_build_query($fields);
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