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The Never-Ending Always-Changing Off-Topic Thread

Burke Knight

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Allez, je relance un petit sujet :

Utilisez vous l'IA pour faire du code (php, html,  pyton, java, etc...) ?

Perso, pas vraiment...

Voila !!!

---trad google---


Come on, I'm reviving a little topic :

Do you use AI to create code (php, html, pyton, java, etc...) ?

Personally, not really...

So !!!

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2 hours ago, luluhoste said:


Allez, je relance un petit sujet :

Utilisez vous l'IA pour faire du code (php, html,  pyton, java, etc...) ?

Perso, pas vraiment...

Voila !!!

---trad google---


Come on, I'm reviving a little topic :

Do you use AI to create code (php, html, pyton, java, etc...) ?

Personally, not really...

So !!!

Only for frontend ;D

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I've used it to refactor existing code; not so much to "write code", although I sometimes use it for autocomplete suggestions so I don't have to write the entire function declaration by myself.

On an irrelevant topic, my posts keep requiring moderator attention, and I'm wondering why. I think it happens every time I mention the word iFastNet; if that's the case, I consider it weird that the word would flag a post on attention, as these are the Byet/iFastNet forums, and writing that would be normal. Might be something else entirely though; in this case I guess I'm just unlucky :P⁠ (but thankful to the moderators for approving my posts).

Okay, this post didn't get flagged; theory debunked.

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6 hours ago, luluhoste said:

Do you use AI to create code (php, html, pyton, java, etc...) ?



6 minutes ago, Anyx said:

On an irrelevant topic, my posts keep requiring moderator attention, and I'm wondering why. I think it happens every time I mention the word iFastNet; if that's the case, I consider it weird that the word would flag a post on attention, as these are the Byet/iFastNet forums, and writing that would be normal. Might be something else entirely though; in this case I guess I'm just unlucky :P⁠ (but thankful to the moderators for approving my posts).

It seems to happen a lot with different words. I tend to think it's just another issue with Invision Community forum software.


Also, You're welcome. 😛

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Il y a 16 heures, TinkerMan a dit :

I use it for ideas about how to do something, but I always do a line-by-line analysis of whatever it spits out. 

Oui, il faut mieux, car dans la moitié des cas, le code ne fonctionne pas 🙄...

Et les modérateurs ont changer leur bas de messages (la signature) et il y est mentionner "S'il vous plaît, ne me envoyez pas de MP pour des problèmes d'assistance", Y aurait il eu des abus ?

Et aussi, le look de la Base de connaissances est trop vieux !!! Et c'est écrit trop petit...

Lui donner un petit coup de jeune ne serait pas mal...

---trad google---

Il y a 16 heures, TinkerMan a dit :

I use it for ideas about how to do something, but I always do a line-by-line analysis of whatever it spits out. 

Yes, it needs better, because in half of the cases, the code doesn't work 🙄...

And the moderators changed their bottom of messages (the signature) and it says "Please do not send me PM for support issues", Was there any abuse?

And also, the look of the Knowledge Base is too old!!! And it's written too small...

Giving it a little facelift wouldn't be bad...

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21 hours ago, luluhoste said:

Un autre thème, de saison 😊 :

Fêtez vous noël le 24 ou le 25 ?

Voila !!! 🌲🎄🥳🎉🎁

---trad google---

nother seasonal theme 😊:

Do you celebrate Christmas on the 24th or 25th ?

So !!! 🌲🎄 🎉🎁

Both :)

I will have a happy dinner with my family on the 24th

and of course celebrate Christmas on the 25th :D

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On 12/4/2023 at 12:45 PM, SpookyKipper said:

Both :)

I will have a happy dinner with my family on the 24th

and of course celebrate Christmas on the 25th :D

Pareil 😆...

Et personne d'autre ne veux répondre pour ce sujet ?

---trad google---

Same 😆...

And no one else wants to respond to this topic ?

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9 hours ago, luluhoste said:

Qui est pour le lancement d'un forum francophone iFastNet ?

---trad google---

Who is for the launch of an iFastNet French-speaking forum ?


There will not be any other forums for iFastNet.

Only the official one will be approved.

that being said, I'll make a suggestion to the server admin about seeing if there are different languages for this forum.

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Il y a 13 heures, Burke Knight a déclaré :

There will not be any other forums for iFastNet.

Only the official one will be approved.

that being said, I'll make a suggestion to the server admin about seeing if there are different languages for this forum.


Et merci pour la suggestion des autres langues😊 !!!

---trad google---


And thanks for the suggestion other languages 😊!!!

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15 hours ago, TinkerMan said:

Hey all!

I am thinking about potentially creating a client area for the community to end (hopefully) once and for all the reign of broken client areas. Let me know your thoughts here:


Cela serait top !!!

Merci pour l'initiative !

---trad google---

That would be great !!!

Thanks for the initiative !

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14 hours ago, luluhoste said:

Quel type de design 🎨 préférer vous entre les styles : Windows 7 👴, Windows 8👵, Windows 10 👩‍🦰, Windows 11 👶 ?

---trad google---

What type of design 🎨 do you prefer between the styles: Windows 7👴, Windows 8👵, Windows 10 👩‍ , Windows 11 👶?

Windows 7 🔥

Windows 8 🤮

Windows 10 👍

Windows 11 😄 but the windows 10 ui is better

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