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A mail letter I sent to Microsoft about their OS


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Mail sent to
  [email protected]
There has been rumours that Microsoft will release its updated version of Windows, called Windows 12.
I have a few suggestions about it, so you can gain lots of money on the product.
The problem with windows long time ago was that there was no antivirus, and sometimes people got trojans in their computers.
Today windows is much better, and thats why you can gain lots of money now.
Most of us care for Windows 7, it was one of the better operatingsystems out there, and Windows 7 aero theme is good.
If you include Windows 7 aero theme and shell in the windows 12 then everyone will buy it.
If microsoft includes Windows Defender with Windows 12 and this Aero Theme that was created with windows 7, then everybody will buy microsoft windows 12.
The Windows Defender is a VERY good and needed tool, so its good that all users have it on their OS :) With aero theme you guys will succed even more now.

Windows 7 is good for you eyes, its easier for the eyes since it has a good theme, but windows 12 is more updated with defender, etc stuff so people will buy this.


I wish you good luck with the new Windows 12,  It will succed.
Some of my friends miss MSN messenger as well, if you include it then people might buy even more of this OS :D
Kindly Regards

---REMOVED FOR SECURITY REASONS--- a customer of Microsoft Windows

What do you guys think? Will they release something like windows 7 again? :) And is Windows defender is good stuff?

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5 hours ago, Fastniteowl said:

Will they release something like windows 7 again?

Windows 7 is good, but the interface is "oudated". It feels like the trend of 3D interfaces has ended.

5 hours ago, Fastniteowl said:

And is Windows defender is good stuff?

Who uses that?


Windows 11 was released 5-6 years(if I remembered correctly) later Windows 10 has released.

Windows 11 hasn't even hit their 2 year mark, so Windows 12 should not be coming too soon.


I don't think Microsoft will give you a reply but ok

Edited by SpookyKipper
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1 minute ago, SpookyKipper said:

Windows 7 is good, but the interface is "oudated". It feels like the trend of 3D interfaces has ended.

Who uses that?

Defender and Firewall with my windows has actually saved me from some viruses long time on Windows 10, but its not fully safe, you might need an extra program or firewall with windows.

Windows 11 looks good as well, but I've not had the chance to try it yet :D

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1 minute ago, Fastniteowl said:

Defender and Firewall with my windows has actually saved me from some viruses long time on Windows 10, but its not fully safe, you might need an extra program or firewall with windows.

I mean, installing an additional Antivirus and disable Windows Defender was probably the main priority for me lol.  I prefer Bitdefender.

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15 hours ago, Radi said:

Windows Dreamscene was a interesting thing - at least for me.

I had no idea it was a thing - looked it up and it mentioned Vista, I jumped from XP to 8.1 to 10 and 11, using a Win7 VM somewhere in between... I'd tried a Vista VM but it was too slow for me to bear. Shame it wasn't continued, although I presume not many used it.

On 1/20/2023 at 2:07 AM, Fastniteowl said:
What do you guys think? Will they release something like windows 7 again? :) And is Windows defender is good stuff?

Answering the questions in the order they were asked:

  1. The letter is... strange. Aside from the Win7 Aero request, your idea for them is to... include Windows Defender? Which they already do in all new Windows versions? Is there a reason they'd exclude it? Also, MSN messenger? Considering it was a part of Windows Live, and most Windows Live products were either retired or migrated to another platform (eg. OneDrive to Office), I doubt it's coming back, and why would it when Microsoft has Skype? What would the point be in them maintaining two messaging apps? (Considering they also have Microsoft Teams, that would make them 3).
  2. Very doubtful. As mentioned by @SpookyKipper, the trend has passed, and Microsoft favors a different design strategy nowadays. It's a strategy I disagree with personally, living in the horror that is Windows 11 (aesthetically pleasing and terrible in functionality), but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. For what it's worth, I also like the Windows 7 Aero design, but sincerely doubt it's coming back. Maybe by a fan / company other than Microsoft (like the Windows 7 start menu that was around during 8.1).
  3. Windows Defender is decent. As much as I may have done exactly what @SpookyKipper would do in the past (installing an additional Antivirus), I've needed one less than before, and Windows Defender is good in warning me about something suspicious.
On 1/20/2023 at 2:07 AM, Fastniteowl said:
Kindly Regards


Unless this isn't your real name or you're okay with keeping it, you may wish to remove that.

Edited by Anyx
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1 hour ago, Anyx said:

Unless this isn't your real name or you're okay with keeping it, you may wish to remove that.

It's my real name, why you care? The web is not fully anonymous. I want to care for microsoft and their products are good, thats why I want them to release something good. I dont regret anything :)

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49 minutes ago, Fastniteowl said:

It's my real name, why you care? The web is not fully anonymous. I want to care for microsoft and their products are good, thats why I want them to release something good. I dont regret anything :)

I think it was meant about posting it here, not in the email.

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5 hours ago, Chronos said:

Now that most of us are used to more modern interfaces, it might be harder to go back to Windows 7.

In fact the computers in my school's classroom is still windows 7. :/

5 hours ago, Chronos said:

as for your question, "Who uses it?" a lot of people use Windows Defender. Over time, it's gotten better

I do agree Windows Defender is getting better and better.

I think Windows Defender is for basic security for normal computer users that just surf the internet, making documents, or playing games, they rarely download anything so having Windows Defender would be enough.

For people who likes to mess around with the computer and download random stuff, an additional antivirus would be better. 

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I have been using Microsoft defender for about 9 years now, never had any issues with it. And the one time when I did screw up (Not going to explain, its embarrassing) defender got it right away and locked it down.


I used to run (I think) IOBit Defender Free and Norton's paid version (Not together) on my main PC/alternate PC. The number of false positives (Files I created myself and knew exactly what they did, and just random internet downloads that were completely safe) was insane. Windows defender does not have those at all.


And both of the third party anti-virus solutions considerably slowed down my PC's startup time.


I'm not saying Windows defender is perfect for everyone,  but personally, I love it and have no issues whatsoever with it.


(Plus, don't you think Microsoft knows their own system better then 3rd parties?)

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33 minutes ago, TinkerMan said:

(Plus, don't you think Microsoft knows their own system better then 3rd parties?)

Take a look at their recent decisions and tell me that again. Well they might, but, they certainly don't know their own users best.

In any case, viruses are complicated. Microsoft offers an above average solution, but they can't protect you from all specialized attacks or offer all the abilities certain antivirus suites can.

40 minutes ago, TinkerMan said:

Windows defender does not have those at all.

I wouldn't exactly agree...

6 hours ago, Burke Knight said:

I think it was meant about posting it here, not in the email.

Precisely, and to answer this:

7 hours ago, Fastniteowl said:

why you care? The web is not fully anonymous.

Indeed it isn't, but a great majority of its users wish to stay so, and I've found in my experience that most who mention real details without having published them before (for example having their name as username, or having it in the description of their bio) usually do so accidentally.

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On 1/23/2023 at 2:56 AM, Anyx said:

Indeed it isn't, but a great majority of its users wish to stay so, and I've found in my experience that most who mention real details without having published them before (for example having their name as username, or having it in the description of their bio) usually do so accidentally.

I do on my website as well, but its good enough this way. I wanna follow the forum rules so I dont mind that he removed it.

Ontopic: Windows defender is not that bad, its good on all my computers.

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